Grammar Info

N3 Lesson 1: 2/22


It would be nice if, It would be good if, Should, I hope


Verb[たら]+ いい
Verb[ば]+ いい
Verb + + いい

[い]Adjective[た]+ ら+ いい
[い]Adjective[+ けれ+ いい
[い]Adjective + + いい

[な]Adjective + だった + ら+ いい
[な]Adjective + であれば+ いい
[な]Adjective + + いい


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About たらいい・といい

When any of the conjunction particles that carry the meaning of 'if' (たら, , or ) are paired with the い-Adjective, いい, they will express the desired result of the speaker. These all translate to 'it would be nice if (A)'. However, the speaker's level of certainty about the result being 'good' will change slightly, depending on the particle.

ばいい - Hypothetically, (A) happening would be good. (Lowest strength/certainty)

たらいい - When (A) happens, it will be good. (Medium strength/certainty)

といい - The result of (A) is good. (Strongest/most certain)

To use , たら, or といい, first add the conjunction particle to the end of any verb, and then attach the い-Adjective, いい.




    You should speak to Japanese people if you want to improve your Japanese conversational ability. (it would be good if...)


    It would be nice if I could watch my favorite TV show everyday.


    It would be nice to just do whatever you want, wouldn't it?


    It would be nice if the weather was clear tomorrow and the day after, wouldn't it?


    Stop complaining! Tell me what would be good to do!

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たらいい・といい – Grammar Discussion

Most Recent Replies (15 in total)

  • RadicalC


    Just started learning these today. Some questions:

    1. When you use たらいい does it also carry the property of meaning of when/after? am I understanding it right?
    2. Also, seems there not a ならいい version huh?
    3. If you use よくない or like maybe じゃないか is that how you turn it into “would it be nice if?”

    It’d be great if I could be 20 right away and drink beer.
    It’d be great to finally go to japan and meet you.

  • Fuga


    Hey there @RadicalC !

    1. Since たら has the nuance of ‘if’, たらいい has the nuance of ‘it would be nice if’
    2. Since なら has the nuance of ‘if that were the case’, ならいい has the nuance of ‘if (A) were the case, that would be good’. Due to this difference in nuance ならいい cannot be used like たらいい・といい.
    3. Using よくない would change the nuance from ‘it would be nice if’ to ‘don’t you think it would be nice if’. Adding じゃないか would change the nuance to ‘wouldn’t it be nice if’.

    I hope this answers your question!

  • RadicalC


    Thank you, so it can never mean after/when when used with this grammar? in the たら variant

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