Verb[たら]+ いい
Verb[ば]+ いい
Verb + と + いい
[い]Adjective[た]+ ら+ いい
[い]Adjective[い]+ ければ+ いい
[い]Adjective + と + いい
[な]Adjective + だった + ら+ いい
[な]Adjective + であれば+ いい
[な]Adjective + だ + といい
About たらいい・といい
When any of the conjunction particles that carry the meaning of 'if' (たら, ば, or と) are paired with the い-Adjective, いい, they will express the desired result of the speaker. These all translate to 'it would be nice if (A)'. However, the speaker's level of certainty about the result being 'good' will change slightly, depending on the particle.
ばいい - Hypothetically, (A) happening would be good. (Lowest strength/certainty)
たらいい - When (A) happens, it will be good. (Medium strength/certainty)
といい - The result of (A) is good. (Strongest/most certain)
To use ば, たら, or と with いい, first add the conjunction particle to the end of any verb, and then attach the い-Adjective, いい.
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It would be nice if I could watch my favorite TV show everyday.
It would be nice to just do whatever you want, wouldn't it?
It would be nice if the weather was clear tomorrow and the day after, wouldn't it?
Stop complaining! Tell me what would be good to do!
I wish I could swim well like a dolphin. (it would be good if...)
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たらいい・といい – Grammar Discussion
Most Recent Replies (17 in total)
English translation:
it would be nice if, should, I hopeStructure:
Verb[た]・ら + いい
Verb + と・いいView on Bunpro
It should be accepted. Fixing it now.
This grammar point accepts these two forms as possible answers as well: neither of the three are listed under each other’s “Related” grammar section.
Hey! Because it’s advice for others, I tried to use たほうがいい but my answer was rejected.
たほうがいい sounds natural in this example, but it is a bit more forceful.
It is now accepted,
Cheers!Very short explanation:
Aばよかった、means if I did A, it would have been good. It is used when you regret something, and you describe the hypothetical alternative which you should have chosen back then.
Something like, I should have bought a bitcoin.(I regret it, because I would be rich now).ばいい/たらいい
Is used to give the most emphatic advice. It is often used when asking for advice as どうすればいい?
(what is a good thing to do?)Sentence:
Is also used when giving advice or more like a suggestion, but it might be interpreted as rude(reproach!) because ...Melanthe
I just noticed Tobira presents this grammar point as 〜たらいいのに, emphasising the fact it expresses a (usually) counterfactual wish. Does it matter much that this grammar point leaves out のに?
Are たらいい and といい always interchangeable? I’m not finding anything in the readings that says when to use one versus the other.
I’m interested in knowing this as well. Tried to use たらいい but got prompted for といい
Do you remember the specific example sentence? These are usually interchangeable, but Bunpro might’ve included some particles (e.g. が、な、ね) in the sentence that lean it toward ~といい and the sense of hoping or wishing for a given outcome. That’s the only nuance that comes to mind.
OK, yeah, this is one of those patterns that can tend toward ~といい due to the way と expresses natural consequence, in a way that だら doesn’t. The たらいい・といい grammar point doesn’t discuss this, but the といい one does. Thing is, that entry even says といい tends more strongly toward, “I hope,” or, “I wish.” They’ve translated it, “It would be nice if … wouldn’t it?” here. It does seem like something is slightly out of sync. I think a better translation would probably be, “I hope the weather tomorrow and the day after will be clear.” That’s based on the information provided in the といい grammar point.
If you encounter this sentence again, I would definitely report it, and point back to this discussion here. Sometimes things slip through the cracks like this. Or maybe one of the staff can point out why this sentence is an exception.
Hey! This is definitely weird. I’ll bring it up to discussion with the content team. Thank you for pointing it out!
Just started learning these today. Some questions:
- When you use たらいい does it also carry the property of meaning of when/after? am I understanding it right?
- Also, seems there not a ならいい version huh?
- If you use よくない or like maybe じゃないか is that how you turn it into “would it be nice if?”
It’d be great if I could be 20 right away and drink beer.
It’d be great to finally go to japan and meet you.Fuga
Hey there @RadicalC !
- Since たら has the nuance of ‘if’, たらいい has the nuance of ‘it would be nice if’
- Since なら has the nuance of ‘if that were the case’, ならいい has the nuance of ‘if (A) were the case, that would be good’. Due to this difference in nuance ならいい cannot be used like たらいい・といい.
- Using よくない would change the nuance from ‘it would be nice if’ to ‘don’t you think it would be nice if’. Adding じゃないか would change the nuance to ‘wouldn’t it be nice if’.
I hope this answers your question!
Thank you, so it can never mean after/when when used with this grammar? in the たら variant
Ok, so in the practice sentences you get while cramming, what determines whether ばいい is a valid answer or not? Because there doesn’t seem to be any rhyme or reason to it that I can figure out. The lesson description sounds nice with
ばいい - Hypothetically, (A) happening would be good. (Lowest strength/certainty)
たらいい - When (A) happens, it will be good. (Medium strength/certainty)
といい - The result of (A) is good. (Strongest/most certain)but it seems like that immediately goes out the window.
自由にすればいいでしょう。all valid
どの道を行くといいのかもっと詳しく教えてください。only たらいい and といい are valid
Hmm, difficult.
This one seems to fall under “asking for directions” usage, so I’d expect it to be allowed
This one seems to match the allowed usage from Caution section of ばいい (JLPT N3) | Bunpro
As for a possible pattern, 【35課】教案:条件形、Nなら(話題) - 日本語教師のN1et (section 条件(と・ば・たら・なら)の基礎知識) separates ば usages for regular/constant situations and for conditional situations, with the latter having a few restrictions on usage. Could be related to that.
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