Grammar Info

N2 Lesson 2: 16/24


After, As a conclusion of


Verb[た]+ すえ (に)
Noun + + すえ (に)


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About た末・の末

Appearing with verbs in their past form, or grouped with nouns after の is (すえ), a word meaning 'end tip'. に will follow (すえ) , marking the 'tip' as the point from which something will result.
While this grammar pattern is usually translated as 'after (A), (B)', or 'as a result of (A), (B)', the nuance is on various things having happened along the way, and then finally reaching the 'point' or 'conclusion' of (A).
  • 色々(いろいろ)(かんが)(すえ)に、お(とう)さんの会社(かいしゃ)()ぐことに()めた。
    After much thought, I decided to take over my father's company.
  • (まよ)いに(まよ)(すえ)に、彼女(かのじょ)(わか)れることにした。
    After much hesitation, I decided to break up with her.
  • 5(ねん)(かん)にわたる(あらそ)(すえ)、アメリカ(ぐん)撤退(てったい)開始(かいし)した。
    After five years of conflict, the U.S. military began to withdraw.
  • 社長(しゃちょう)(なが)議論(ぎろん)(すえ)人事(じんじ)伊藤(いとう)さんをクビにすることに()めた。
    After a long discussion with the president, we decided to fire Ito-san from human resources.
(すえ) may highlight either positive or negative results, but will suggest that some long-lasting effort or struggle eventually resulted in (B).




    After (much) suffering, he was able to hang up his gun and start an ordinary life.


    After (continuously) worrying about what to do after graduation, I decided to start a business.


    After (doing) many interviews, I was hired by a big company.


    After a (long) discussion with my girlfriend, we have decided to get married next June.


    After spending a (long) sleepless night due to a headache, I decided to see a doctor.

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