Grammar Info

N3 Lesson 5: 4/22

~ても(かま)わないIt doesn't matter if, I don't mind


Verb[ても]+ かまわない
[い]Adjective[ても]+ かまわない
[な]Adjective + でも + かまわない
Noun + でも + かまわない


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About てもかまわない

ても(かま)わない is often used to express that something 'doesn't matter', or that the speaker 'doesn't mind'. This structure is a combination of ても (with verbs and い-Adjectives), or でも (with nouns and な-Adjectives) grouped with the negative conjugation of the う - Verb (かま)う, which means 'to brace'. Literally, this expression can be thought of as being similar to 'to not be uptight'. However, it is almost always simply used to convey that there is no issue with something.

ても(かま)わない may be used with any type of word that appears in its ても or でも conjugation form.

Fun Fact

(かま)う is usually translated as 'to brace', but the kanji (かま) often has the nuance of 'to posture', or 'to pose' (into some type of strong/resistant shape). In the ても(かま)わない grammar structure, this translates as (A) simply being something that will not cause the speaker to 'posture', 'position', or 'pose' themselves in a resistant way.




    It doesn't matter (even) if I am ignored.


    If it is that picture, I don't mind if you look at it.


    If someone wants it, I don't mind (even if) giving it.


    If you don't want to answer, it doesn't matter (even) if you don't answer.


    It doesn't matter (even) if you play games when you have free time.

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てもかまわない – Grammar Discussion