Grammar Info

N3 Lesson 5: 3/22

しかないHave no choice but, Only, Just

In more casual language or manga/anime, しかない is sometimes shortened to っきゃない


Verb + しかない


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About しかない

しかない is a commonly used expression in Japanese that is partnered with verbs. It is a combination of しか, the adverbial particle, and the い-Adjective ない. This structure may be translated as 'to have no choice but (A)', or 'there is only (A)'. しかない regularly emphasizes the point that nothing apart from (A) is possible.

To use しかない, simply attach it directly to the non-past form of whichever verb you would like to highlight as being the 'only' possible action.

Unlike だけ, which implies that one particular option was chosen (out of several), しか always insinuates that (A) is the only option, and therefore will sound much stronger than だけ. Also, as only one option exists, it will often be assumed by the listener that some particular circumstances resulted in (A) being all that can be done.

Fun Fact

Occasionally, しかない may be used in manga, anime, or other forms of media that use casual language. In these cases, it is not uncommon to see しか abbreviated to っきゃ, resulting in っきゃない. However, this is not a common abbreviation in daily language.




    Because there are a lot of people, we have no choice but to line up.


    You have no choice but to wait for the time to come.

    こんなにうまくいかないかなあ… もう(わら)しかない

    To think that it would go this poorly... I have no choice but to laugh!


    I have no choice but to sincerely apologize.


    This room is full of trash. I have no choice but to clean it.

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