Grammar Info

N4 Lesson 7: 3/18

~てもらうTo get someone to do, To have someone do


Verb[て]+ もらう

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  • Rare Kanji


About てもらう

Being slightly more direct than てくれる, てもらう removes the meaning of 'to bestow' (to the speaker), and focuses on the meaning of 'to receive' (from the giver). With てもらう, will mark the person that 'did something' for the subject, while (or ) will highlight the receiver themselves.

In English, this grammar structure is regularly translated as 'to have (someone) do (A) for you', or 'to get (someone) to do (A) for you'. Literally, it means 'to receive the action of (A)'.

てもらう is also regularly used when receiving a service from someone, as てくれる would imply that the action was a favor.




    I had my mom do my homework (for me).


    I might have (someone) buy me a dog for Christmas.


    I will get someone to help with this work.


    Yuka might have gotten someone to help her.


    First I think I will have you clean (for me).

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てもらう – Grammar Discussion