Grammar Info

N5 Lesson 10: 10/12

(もら)To receive, To get, To obtain

Unlike あげる and くれる, に (or から) marks the giver, not the recipient


Giver(*) + Recipient(*)(1) + Object(*)もらう

Recipient(*)(1) + Giver(*) + Object(*)もらう

Giver(*) + Object(*) + Recipient(*)(1)もらう

(*) Giver, Recipent and Object are Nouns


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  • Word Type

    Independent Word

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About もらう

もらう is the 3rd verb that is regularly taught together with くれる, and あげる. It is used to highlight that (A) is 'received' by someone. However, unlike くれる and あげる (which are used to highlight that something is 'given'), もらう requires the particle (or から) to mark the giver, not the recipient. or may be used to mark the recipient, as they are the one performing the action of receiving. will mark the object that is being given.

In the second sentence we can see that the recipient has been omitted, while in the third example, the giver was omitted. This is a regular occurrence when using もらう, as the receiver is usually obvious, or the 'giver' may not be important to the overall meaning of the sentence.

In this example, the thing that was given is the focus, while the speaker does not consider the 'giver' something that needs to be mentioned. Sometimes, for very simple sentences with clear context, neither the 'giver', nor the 'receiver' needs to be mentioned.




    I received chopsticks and a glass from my grandmother.


    (I) receive blue flowers from her (my girlfriend).


    (I) received a warm sweater from (my) friend.


    (I) received money from my father.


    (I) receive (my) salary the day after next.

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もらう – Grammar Discussion

Most Recent Replies (5 in total)

  • fjdksleiwoqp


  • Pushindawood


    @fjdksleiwoqp Hey! This particular hint was just meant to point out that when this grammar point is used, the giver is marked with に or から. Although there are no givers in this sentence (some circumstances could have prevented the sister from gifting the gift herself), we still believe that this clue helps you determine the answer without giving the answer away. Cheers!

  • fjdksleiwoqp


    Gotcha, thanks for the clarification.

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