Grammar Info

N3 Lesson 9: 15/22

できればIf possible


できれば + Phrase
できたら + Phrase


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About できれば・できたら

Remembering that する has no potential form, the replacement る - Verb できる 'to amount to' will often be used in conjunction with particles, to indicate whether the possibility of amounting to something exists. The conjunction particles or たら will most frequently be used. できれば and できたら are usually translated simply as 'if possible'.

Both できれば and できたら will come at the start of a sentence, before the following statement will express some (desired) outcome.


As and たら are the only 'hypothetical' indicators that can express the process toward potential outcomes, using なら or と would be be illogical. This can be visualized as follows:

(A) できると - Will express the result after achieving (A), not what is required to get there.

(A) できるなら - As なら is just the hypothetical form of だ, It is used to make guesses about what could happen if the situation of (A) exists, not how that situation can be used to produce some other result.




    If possible, I want you to drive.


    If possible, I would like you to make me a bento.


    If possible, I would like to talk with him directly.


    If it's possible for you to do that, I would appreciate it.


    If possible, I want to work at that company.

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できれば・できたら – Grammar Discussion

Most Recent Replies (6 in total)

  • mrnoone


  • qc


    Remembering that する has no potential form

    Isn’t したい the potential form?

  • nekoyama


    Only with a very positive upbringing, where your parents constantly told you that you can do (potential form → できる) everything you want to do (したい).

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