Grammar Info

N4 Lesson 4: 7/18

といいI hope, I wish, You should, It would be good


Verb + + いい
[い]Adjective + + いい
[な]Adjective + + + いい
Noun + + と + いい

Wishing for others:
(Desired Outcome) Phrase + いい +

Wishing for oneself:
(Desired Outcome) Phrase + いい + なぁ
(Desired Outcome) Phrase + いい+んだ(1) + けど(2)

(1) のだ
(2) けれどけどもけれども


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About といい

One of the regular uses of the particle is to express 'if'. However, unlike some other structures (like なら, たら, and ), implies that the 'if' result of is something that will definitely happen, or is a natural consequence of (A) happening. When combined with the い-Adjective いい, it means 'if (A), it would be good'.

This construction may be used with any phrase ending in a word in its standard form.

Because expresses a 'certain' outcome, the 'good' in this grammar construction often sounds quite strong, leading to といい regularly being translated closer to 'I hope (A)', or 'I wish (A)'.

There are several situations in which this grammar point can be used to express that you are hoping something for yourself, or hoping something for someone else. This is primarily determined by the use of な, or だけど (hoping for yourself), or (hoping for others/mutual benefit).


When this expression finishes with けど, けれども, or , it can imply that there are some external factors that will make the desired result difficult to achieve.




    I hope that you can win the game.


    You should eat more fruit.


    I hope it is fun.


    I hope that athlete becomes the world's best.


    I hope that you can rapidly get stronger (from now).

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といい – Grammar Discussion

Most Recent Replies (13 in total)

  • Pushindawood


    I hope
    I wish
    you should


    • Wishing for others/inside group :
      Desired Outcome + といい + です + ね
      Desired Outcome + といい + ね
    • Wishing for oneself :
      Desired Outcome + といい + なぁ
      Desired Outcome + といい + ん/の + です + が
      Desired Outcome + といい + ん/の + だ + けど

    If といい means “to hope” the verb has to be non-controllable , or controllable but in potential form .

    Controllable verb:
    帰るといい - You should go back home
    帰れるといいね - I hope you can come home.

    Non-controllable verb:
    雨が降らないといいね - I hope it won’t rain.
    [Cannot be used to give advice]

  • xBl4ck


  • Pushindawood


    @xBl4ck Nice spot! We recently got the Japanese for this sentence updated and forgot to fix the translation. Cheers!

  • deltacat3


    I hope it is fun.

    Whats が doing at the end of this sentence?

  • matt_in_mito


    The が at the end of the sentence implies that the speaker gets the feeling that it might not be fun.

  • deltacat3


    Ahhhh! I see how that’s working. The implied omission insinuates the speakers reluctance, hesitance, etc… Thank you! @matt_in_mito

  • matt_in_mito


    Japanese is a very high-context language and you have to read between the lines all the time. This is a prime example of that.

  • Johnathan-Weir


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  • shary


    I don’t know if this has been reported before, but isn’t this point (といい) a duplicate of the grammar point (covers both といい and たらいい) ?

    If not, what’s the difference?

  • Howl_UK


    There is a Japanese Ammo video for this grammar point. I’m adding these links to each grammar discussion as I find them so let me know if this is annoying!

  • testing


    What is なぁ? Is that a small あ on purpose?

  • matt_in_mito


    You will often see a small ぁ at the end of a sentence like どうしようかなぁ - it gives the impression that the speaker is trailing off into thought.

  • natiiix


    I believe these small vowels at the end of a sentence are similar to using ~ or ー at the end of a sentence instead of a full stop. The sentence ends with a prolonged pronunciation of the last word, indicating an ongoing thought process or empathy of the writer/speaker.

    It’s kind of like phonetic spelling in English, where you intentionally mangle words to convey certain additional emotion in your writing.

  • MikkaT


    Hi, what does this part mean? it is not clickable and it is the only example which uses a な in both parts of the sentence.

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