[な]Adjective + に + する
[い]Adjective[く]+ する
Noun + に + する
About ~にする・~くする
When combined with a な-Adjective, にする (or くする in the case of い-Adjectives) carries the meaning of 'to make more (A)'.
Just like the にする grammar point that is used for highlighting decisions, this にする construction implies that the speaker has a high level of control over the action.
Basically, this changes the adjective into an adverb, and then uses する to show that the adjective itself is the thing that is being done.
Fun Fact
にする is one of four regularly repeating grammar patterns in Japanese that highlight the level of control that the speaker has over the action/result of an action. From highest to lowest level of control, these are as follows:
にする - High level of control, the speaker/subject can perform this action themselves.
になる - High level of control, the speaker/subject can perform this action themselves, but there is no external target.
とする - Medium level of control, the speaker/subject can perform this action, but some outside factors may need to be considered (difficulty, other people, time, etc.).
となる - Low level of control, the speaker/subject has almost no control over these actions, and something that came about purely due to external factors is being discussed.
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Please try your best to make the parts smaller.
I got a new futon, so it is comfortable. (Literally - I did it new)
I had the dentist make my teeth whiter. (Literally - Do white)
You should make yourself warm when going to a flower-viewing party. (Literally - Do warm)
I want to make this room bigger. (Literally - Do big)
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Adjectives + なる/する
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~にする・~くする – Grammar Discussion
Most Recent Replies (16 in total)
Adjective + する
- to make something/someone…(more)
- い-Adjective +
いく + する - な-Adjective + に + する
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As in the sentences:
I got a new futon, so it is comfortable. [lit. ‘I made it new’]]法律を新しくしてほしい。
I want them to renew (make new) the law.Can 新しくする mean either to renew or get something new?
It literally means to make something new, so among others replace the old thing with a new thing or return something to the initial state (renew).
Fantastic, thank you for the clarification! <3
For this answer:
顔を くろくし すぎです
This seems similar to すぎる ( but I don’t remember seeing it in this verb[stem] + すぎです form. Am I forgetting a lesson?
すぎる is sometimes used like this in its stem form. The Tae Kim article linked from its grammar point mentions it in passing, but I don’t recall it being tested on bunpro.
I find it hard to remember when to use して or する for this grammar point.
Hello, I have a question about the “fun fact” section, where it compares this grammar point to other similar ones.
にする is high level of control, the speaker can do it for themselves.
になる is also high level control, but there is not external target
What does “no external target” mean? Maybe my question is, could someone reword this description for me?
This might technically be a question about になる, but my question is about the description included on the にする page.
What is the difference between する and して?
I can’t find any pattern in it and none of the resources mention anything about it. They just swap between the two without any explanation.
Also it’d be nice if bunpro gave me a hint when I’m using the wrong one explaining why it isn’t usable there instead of just marking it wrong.
Would appreciate an explanation or link explaining this because I can’t find anythingnekoyama
It’s just dictionary form (する) vs て form (して ) and they’re used like with every other verb. する modifies nouns, ends sentences, or is used before words/particles that follow the dictionary form etc. して is used to connect clauses, or with words/particles that follow the て form like in してください etc.
Oh thank you very much!
I just couldn’t find a good explanation online, or an explanation at all and I just couldn’t figure out the pattern. Still wish they added an explanation to that on the grammar point though. Or make a different point for して if they aren’t going to explain that half of it.
Yeah you’re def right
Might have better luck in the feedback and bug report thread to be seen
In もっと簡単に便利にする方法がありますよ, is both 簡単 and 便利 being used in this にする grammar point?
Essentially, should I interpret the sentence like:
Hey @dezyhe !
It would be more accurate to interprete this as (もっと簡単に)(便利にする方法がありますよ)!
where is the る going in the くする?
How does くする conjugate into just くし?casual
As others pointed out earlier in this topic, this is する conjugating to しすぎ “doing too much” (すぎる (JLPT N5) | Bunpro)
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