Phrase + と考えられる
About と考えられる
In order to express an objective opinion in Japanese, the expression と考えられる will often be used. This is a combination of と, and the passive-indicating auxiliary verb られる. Common translations for this structure include 'can be considered as (A)', 'is thought to be (A)', or 'it is conceivable that (A)'.
As と考えられる begins with と, this structure will frequently appear at the end of entire phrases, converting them into a quote.
When wanting to express a subjective opinion, と思われる will be used instead.
Compared to と考えられている, と考えられる focuses more on judgements, while the former is primarily used to illustrate widely accepted opinions.
The primary difference between a subjective and objective opinion is that an objective opinion is primarily based on observable facts about the topic (unbiased and focuses on the object), while a subjective opinion is based more on emotions, feelings, or preferences (may be biased, regardless of what is actually true about the topic).
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It is thought that the lower house of representatives will finally dissolve.
It is thought that that child's parents are neglecting the child.
If it is that policy, it is conceivable that we would receive standardized support.
It is thought that the decision made was to be easy-going, but it might just be a tactic.
Is it conceivable that you would think of wiping the slate clean on that project? (won't you?)
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と考えられる vs. と思われる
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と考えられる – Grammar Discussion
Most Recent Replies (3 in total)
can be considered as
is thought to be
one can think that
it is conceivable thatStructure
- Phrase + と考えられる
考えられている is for a generally accepted opinion only
[Used to express the speaker’s/writer’s objective opinion or generally accepted opinion・と思われる is used for subjective opinions]
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You might already be aware of this, but these two grammar points are very similar but in different levels: とかんがえられている(N4 L10) and とかんがえられる(N2 L7). Was that on purpose? They seem very similar to be so far apart.
How does this grammar point differ from とされている? Thanks!
It is thought that the decision made was to be easy-going, but it might just be a tactic.What does this mean? As in, what is an example situation?
a. It is thought that the leadership made a decision for the organization to pretend to be easy-going, but actually it’s a tactic to lull the opposition into a false sense of security.
b. The decision that the leadership made is thought to be made lightly/irresponsibly, but actually they are hiding some reasons that make it a perfectly sound decision.
c. something else?
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