Grammar Info

N2 Lesson 9: 9/23


Not only...but also, In addition, Not to mention


Noun + (くわ)


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About に加えて

にくわえて is a formal grammar pattern in Japanese that is a combination of に, and the て-form of the る-Verb (くわ)える 'to add', or 'to append'. Often, this structure will be translated as 'in addition to (A), (B)', or 'not only (A), but also (B).
Being that it is a formal phrase, (くわ)えて will also often appear in its formal-conjunctive form (くわ).
To use にくわえて, simply place it directly after the noun that you would like to highlight as being the base information, before discussing what exactly is 'in addition' to that base in the following clause.
  • 今日(きょう)(あつ)(くわ)えて湿度(しつど)(たか)くなる(おそ)れがあるので(そと)()(かた)熱中症(ねっちゅうしょう)()をつけてください。
    Today, in addition to the heat, there is a threat of high humidity, so please be careful of heat stroke if you are planning to leave the house.
  • 今学期(こんがっき)から文法(ぶんぽう)(くわ)えて漢字(かんじ)(おし)えることになった。
    Starting this semester, in addition to grammar, I will also be teaching Kanji.
  • (かれ)空手(からて)(くわ)えて剣道(けんどう)もできるそうだ。
    I heard that he does kendo in addition to karate.
Both the kanji and hiragana forms of this structure are fairly common, so it will be beneficial to remember both.
Caution - にくわえて is frequently used when (B) is something that is in addition to (A) in respect to magnifying what was already true of (A). This just means that it will often be used to highlight something being brought about by (B) that would not be possible with just (A) by itself. This increase may be either positive or negative.
  • 今年(ことし)(はは)()には(はは)花束(はなたば)(くわ)えて(こころ)()めて()いた手紙(てがみ)(わた)すつもりだ。
    This Mother's Day, I plan to give my mother a heartfelt letter in addition to a bouquet of flowers.
  • 今年(ことし)になってから電気代(でんきだい)(くわ)えてガス料金(りょうきん)までもが(たか)くなった。
    This year, in addition to the electricity bill, even the gas bill has increased.




    Sweden, in addition to being rich in natural resources, is also a country of developed industries. This is due to their fine educational system.


    For a person to be called genius, it is necessary for them to have the ability to grasp what they see as a whole, in addition to every little detail.


    In addition to having the ability to make phone calls, newer mobile phones (smartphones) have many functions similar to personal computers.


    My gray hair, not to mention my wrinkles, have increased. Boy am I old.


    Nothing can be done about the inferior value, not to mention ability.

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      に加えて – Grammar Discussion

      Most Recent Replies (4 in total)

      • Fuga


        Hey @FredKore !

        It is A に加えて B まで = A, not to mention/in addition to B

        We have just fixed the translation to fit the format of the grammar structure!

      • mambodee


        In addition to * Noun + に加え / に加えて

        My text explains also

        Verb (る) / Verb (ない) / Verb (た) + + に加えて
        Adjective (い) + + に加えて
        Adjective (な) + + に加えて


        As usage patterns for what seems like the exact same grammar point. Perhaps this grammar point can be expanded to cover the entire usage pattern?

        In other post, Bunpro staff comments about focusing on JLPT grammar points. So I would like to know if the other forms (verb and adjectives) are not aon the JLPT exam? This will 1) help to me understand what I should and should not be engaging Bunpro staff about and 2) Help me understand what my school is teaching that might not be so important.


      • JDJ77


        Just a typo, need to drop the て from the formal conjunctive form at the end of the first paragraph

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