Grammar Info

N2 Lesson 8: 20/22

(よう)ではIf, If it is true that

ようじゃ is more casual.


Verb + ようでは(2) + (Negative Result)

(2) ようじゃ


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About ようでは・ようじゃ

ようでは is a combination of the auxiliary verb (よう) 'manner', or 'seeming', and では, a conjunction that is frequently used as an abbreviation of それなら in expressing 'if'. Due to this, ようでは itself often has the meaning of 'if', with extra focus on the fact that (A) is something unconfirmed, or only being guessed at. This may be translated as 'if it is the case that (A)', or 'if that which seems to be (A) is true'.

In most cases, ようでは will be used to make an evaluation that if (A) is true, then some particular negative result will arise from it.

ようでは will primarily appear after verbs in any of their standard forms.

ようでは puts extra focus on the appearance or condition of (A), based on what is observable by the speaker. In this way, it is often the speaker's subjective (negative) opinion about what they perceive to be true.




    If you are spoiled to that extent, you can't become a decent adult. ( appears that...)


    If you can make these kinds of mistakes about the time and date, you can't do your job. ( appears that...)


    If you can't solve a problem like this, I am worried about your next test. ( appears that...)


    If you envy other people's achievements, it won't lead to your own achievements. ( appears that...)


    If you can't keep up with your daily study routine, I don't think you can pass the test. ( appears that...)

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      ようでは・ようじゃ – Grammar Discussion