Grammar Info

N4 Lesson 8: 8/18

んだけどBut..., And...

Versions without ん/の are also acceptable but ん/の version is more common nowadays.


Phrase (A) + のだ(1) + (2) + Phrase (B)

(1) んだ
(2) けれどもけれどけどもけど


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About んだけど・んですが

んだけど is an expression that combines んだ (explaining/giving cause), with けど (but). Together they translate simply as 'but...', although the nuance is actually closer to 'but with (A) as the reason… (B)', while (B) is sometimes left unsaid. This implies that the speaker is looking for a reply, or does not want to say the (B) part of the sentence out of politeness/awkwardness.

There are several different forms of this construction that are mostly interchangeable with each other. From most casual, to most formal, they are as follows:


may be replaced with in any of the above expressions. However, it will again make it slightly more formal.


んだが, or simply だが is probably the 'strongest' out of these possibilities, and is considered quite masculine. If you are going to use this form, we recommend making sure that your tone is a bit softer, so that it does not sound too authoritative.

Fun Fact

ん (or の) may sometimes be omitted completely, but this is not so common in modern Japanese.



    「こくはくしたんだけど (ふられた)。」

    'How did yesterday's confession go?'
    'I confessed but… (I was rejected).'

    これほしんだけど (たかい)。

    I want this, but… (it is expensive).

    やせられたらいいんだけど ((むずか))。

    It would be great if I could lose some weight, but… (it is hard).

    (あたら)時計(とけい)()たいのですが (どちらいいでしょうか)。

    I would like to buy a new watch (and…) (which one would be good?)

    (まど)()ているからちょっと(さむ)んですが (どうか(まど)()ていただけませんか?)。

    Since the window is open, it is a bit cold (and…) (I wonder if you wouldn't mind closing it?).

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