Grammar Info

N2 Lesson 6: 3/20


While, On the other hand, Although, However, On the flip side


Verb + 反面(はんめん)
[い]Adjective + 反面(はんめん)
[な]Adjective + (1) + 反面(はんめん)
Noun + である + 反面(はんめん)
Phrase + + (、)+ 反面(はんめん)

(1) である


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About 反面

反面(はんめん), a noun meaning 'the opposing side', is a construction in Japanese that appears between two phrases, to show two contrasting or opposite features of a single person or thing. This usually translates as 'while (A), (B)', 'although (A), also (B)', 'on the other hand to (A), (B)'.
Being a noun, 反面(はんめん), can be used after any word that could create a modified noun, such as verbs, い-Adjectives, な-Adjectives, or even other nouns followed by である.
  • 都内(とない)()()して色々(いろいろ)便利(べんり)になった反面(はんめん)家賃(やちん)(まえ)()んでいた(ところ)(ばい)になった。
    While moving to Tokyo has made many things more convenient, the rent has doubled from where I used to live.
  • カリフォルニアの(なつ)日本(にほん)より(あつ)反面(はんめん)湿度(しつど)(ひく)いので()ごしやすいそうです。
    Although summer in California is hotter than Japan, I heard that it is more comfortable because of the low humidity.
  • あの日本語(にほんご)教室(きょうしつ)先生(せんせい)(たち)日本語(にほんご)(おし)えるのがとても上手(じょうず)反面(はんめん)生徒(せいと)(たち)にはとても(きび)しいそうだ。
    Although the teachers at that Japanese language school are very good at teaching Japanese, they are very strict with their students.
  • 田中(たなか)くんはとても(あたま)のいい()である反面(はんめん)(なま)(もの)なのでいつも先生(せんせい)(おこ)られています。
    Although Tanaka-kun is very smart, he is always getting scolded by the teacher because he is lazy.
Caution - Because 反面(はんめん) is used to express contradictions, it will most often describe a positive and a negative, but cannot describe a positive and another positive, or a negative and another negative.
  • あのパティシエが(つく)るお菓子(おかし)はとても美味(おい)しそうに()える反面(はんめん)()べてみると(あじ)はいまいちだそうだ。
    While the pastries made by that pastry chef look very tasty, the taste is not so good when you try them. (Natural Japanese)
  • あのパティシエが(つく)るお菓子(かし)はとても美味(おい)しそうに()える反面(はんめん)、とても美味(おい)しいそうだ。
    While the pastries made by that pastry chef look very tasty, apparently, they taste very good. (Unnatural Japanese)




    While tropical forests look pretty, they are extremely dangerous because they house things like wild animals and tropical diseases.


    Although exercising often is good for your health, since people desire achievements beyond their abilities, they tend to injure themselves.


    While living alone is fun, it is also necessary for you to do all the cooking, cleaning, and the like.


    Recently, while smartphones are essential, people are drowning in technology and human relations are getting more and more sparse.


    Chinese cabbage is said to be healthy. On the other hand, depending on the situation, it can also become a cause of bloating.

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