Grammar Info

N4 Lesson 3: 14/18

If… then, (Conditional)



[い]Adjective[+ けれ
[な]Adjective + なら
Noun + なら

[る1]Verb() +
[る5]Verb(すわ) +
[う]Verb(うた) +
[く]Verb(ある) +
[す]Verb(はな) +
[つ]Verb() +
[ぬ]Verb() +
[ぶ]Verb() +
[む]Verb(やす) +
[ぐ]Verb(およ) +

する → すれ
くる → くれ

Negative Forms:
Verb[ない+ ければ
[い]Adjective[ない+ ければ
[な]Adjective + + ければ
Noun + + ければ


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About ば

There are several different ways to express 'if' in Japanese. One of these is through using the conjunction particle . presents hypothetical situations (possibilities), and pairs with verbs using an う to え sound-change conjugation method on the terminal (last) kana. Let's examine this with a few verbs first.

As we can see with these verbs, the final kana will change to an え sound, from its original う (る to れ, う to え, く to け, す to せ, etc.) before adding . It is important to practice these, to not get them mixed up with verbs that use れる, and られる. Unlike with these verbs, the base form of する and くる will not change when using .

To conjugate い-Adjectives with , the い will be replaced with けれ, one of the standard い-Adjective conjugation forms. After this, just add .

For な-Adjectives, and nouns, なら (another standard conjugation form of these words) will be added, before attaching .

In the negative form (using ない), both the auxiliary verb ない, and the い-Adjective ない will conjugate in the same way. Simply replace い with けれ, and then add .

Fun Fact

The なら in ならば is often used by itself to mean 'if', and is an abbreviation of the classical auxiliary verb なり 'to be'. In its hypothesis form, なり will become ならば. However, なり is very irregularly used by itself in modern Japanese, with なら, and ならば being far more common.


So that you do not mix up the conjugation rules for , and passive verbs, remember that the last kana of the verb will change to an あ sound, before adding れる with passive verbs. However, this change is to an え sound with .




    If (you) do not wear a helmet, then (you) cannot ride a motorbike.


    If it rains tomorrow, then I will go watch a movie.


    If you go to soccer practice every day, then you can become a professional soccer player.


    If (you) cannot do it by this Friday, then (you) have to finish it next weekend.


    If (you) go to an exhibit, then (you) can learn a variety of things.

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ば – Grammar Discussion

Most Recent Replies (31 in total)

  • Pushindawood


    if… then


    • Verb[ ]
      食べる → 食べ れば ・食べ なければ
      飲む → 飲 めば ・飲ま なければ
      する → す れば ・し なければ
      行く → 行 けば ・行か なければ
      である → であ れば ・では なければ

    • い-Adjective → れば ・く なければ


    [Unlike たら, ば doesn’t have a time related meaning “when/then”]

    View on Bunpro

  • someone2020


    Why is this not displayed as (Passive) or なければ? It would make it so much easier to understand with the title.

  • mrnoone



    You have a good eye, ば form is similar to potential form (not passive). But there are some differences.

    type of verb dictionary form potential form ば form
    V(る1) られる /!見 れる 見れば
    V(る5) れる れば
    V(う) える えば
    V(く) ける けば
    V(す) せる せば
  • Melanthe


    I have a question about one of the sentences:

    今週の金曜日までにできなければ 、来週末に終わらせなくてはいけない
    If you cannot do it by this Friday, then you have to finish it next weekend.

    What nuance does 終わらせ being causative add to the ~なくてはいけない combination? Doesn’t ~なくてはいけない already mean “you have to” with ‘normal’ verbs? So why would one make the preceding verb causative?

  • CrisH


    Bump? I was wondering the same thing!

  • mrnoone



    Hey and sorry for the slow answer

    It comes to the fact that 終わる is an intransitive verb meaning “to come to an end” (it can be translated as “to end”, “to finish” but it is intransitive verb, “to come to an end” captures it better).
    If you cannot do it by this Friday, then come to an end it next weekend. Doesn’t sound natural.
    終える is a transitive one meaning “to finish”.
    You want something along:
    If you cannot do it by this Friday, then finish it next weekend.
    今週の金曜日までにできなければ 、来週末に 終えなくてはいけない

    Since the causative form is used when someone “causes” something to happen, therefore verb in causative form becomes transitive.

    So we can use the causative form o...

  • CrisH


    Thanks for the explanation. I think our confusion stems from the fact that it sounds even weirder that way in English. If your teacher said “Everyone make your homework finish this weekend”, everyone would look at each other blankly! I guess a literal translation just doesn’t quite cut it in this case.

  • Ambo100


    There is now a Japanese Ammo video for this:

  • Pushindawood


    @Ambo100 Thank you for letting us know! I have updated the readings to include this video. Cheers!

  • CrisH


    Got to join this thread again, too.
    So, I’m looking at
    天気(てんき)予報(よほう)を みれば 、明日(あした)の天気が分(わ)かるだろう。
    and its help text, which says ‘lit. “if the weather forecast gets looked at”’.
    I’m a little confused because, if this isn’t the passive form, but rather the conditional, then it literally reads “If [context-dependent person] sees the weather forecast”, which is a lot more fitting with the meaning.
    So my question is, is it passive or not?

  • CrisH


    Another question, if anyone has the answer: What is this word である that comes up in the following sentence?
    The only thing I can find for である is ‘to run into’/‘to meet unintentionally’, which doesn’t seem to be what’s used here.

  • nekoyama


    である is one form of the copula.

    であう is to meet by chance.

  • Pushindawood



    This is meaning that we were shooting for. The sentence is not meant to be taken passively. I have updated the sentence to exclude the specific “you.”

    As @nekoyama mentioned, である is a form of the copula, primarily used in formal writing. でない is just a contracted form of ではない with little to no change in meaning/nuance.

  • CrisH


    Thanks, I should have noticed that it wasn’t であう - damn you, Google Translate!

    Edit: Not actually Google’s fault this time, I obviously just mixed them up…

  • Neph


    Hi, I have a question.
    Bunpro says the following:

    [な]Adjective + なら(ば)
    Noun + なら(ば)

    But those are forms for the なら conditional.
    Both Tae Kim and Wasabi (first 2 readings for this grammar point) say the following:

    For nouns and na-adjectives: Attach 「であれば」

    No examples for this grammar point show non-negative nouns or na-adjectives.
    The negative form is correctly written: で + なければ, and since ある and ない are the same verb, I cannot figure this one out.
    Is this a mistake?

  • gyroninja


    なら(ば) vs であれば

    They can both be used, but であれば is more formal as it comes from である whereas なら(ば) comes from だ.

    ば attaches to the 仮定形 (hypothetical form) of a word.

    Nouns don’t have a 仮定形 so you need to use either だ or である (You can’t use です since it doesn’t have a 仮定形). The 仮定形 of だ is なら. The 仮定形 of ある is あれ so である will become であれ.

    The 仮定形 of a な adjectives just has you attach なら to it, but you can also use である like we did for nouns.

  • Neph


    They can both be used

    Is there not a difference in meaning between the ば and なら conditionals? Are they interchangable for nouns and na-adjectives? Does this not confuse the meaning?

    There is a whole grammar point dedicated to なら if you need some example sentences.

    I need example sentences for ば that use nouns and na-adjectives in a positive meaning so I can understand the difference between ば and なら conditionals.

  • gyroninja


    なら in just a shortened version of ならば.

    Yes, they are the same. But when you see なら being used after a verb or い adjective technically those are being nominalized (they are turned into nouns). If you ...

  • Neph


    なら in just a shortened version of ならば.

    How do you differentiate the meaning then? All the sources for the conditional grammar points separate them into different groups of conditionals w/ different meaning (hypothetical vs. contextual).
    If I wanted to say: If I were a plane… → 私が飛行機ならば…
    But that translates to “Since I’m a plane…”, not “If I were”.

    Wasabi says なら is not applicable for hypothetical conditions. So that’s what’s confusing me right now.

  • gyroninja


    They mean the same thing (though ならば is more formal since it’s longer / you aren’t omitting something).

    That’s just how they d...

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