Grammar Info

N3 Lesson 8: 9/23

(たび)Each time, Every time, Whenever

たびに is often pronounced as たんびに in casual conversation.


Verb[る]+ たびに
Noun + + たびに


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About たびに

(たび)に is the adverbial form of the noun (たび), meaning 'time' (as in 'at the time of'). たびに is frequently paired with either verbs, or nouns, in order to show that something happens 'whenever (A)', or 'each time (A)'.

After nouns, the case marking particle の will be required before たびに.

Fun Fact

Like ごとに, たびに means 'every'. However, たびに is most often used to convey the nuance of するごとに 'every time doing'. Due to this, たびに will almost always be used to highlight some kind of action or event, rather than random amounts of time.




    Every time I see you, I see how much you have matured.


    Every time I watch this movie, I cry.


    Let's make good memories each time we take a trip.


    I go skiing every holiday in winter.


    Whenever I go shopping I buy things I don't need.

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      たびに – Grammar Discussion

      Most Recent Replies (5 in total)

      • mrnoone


        English translation:
        each time
        every time

        Noun + の + たびに
        Verb[る] + たびに

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      • s1212z


        Is 毎回 ok as a substitute here? If so, do you mind adding and/or not marking it incorrect? Thx!

      • Pushindawood


        @s1212z Hey! 毎回 cannot follow the verb that it is modifying (泣く毎回), it can only precede it (毎回泣く), whereas たびに directly follows a verb (or noun with の). That being said, I have updated the review questions for this grammar point to throw this hint/warning when trying まいかい. Cheers!

        Edit: 毎回 also often sounds odd directly following nouns (旅行毎回). It is more common to use it before the noun (毎回旅行(にいく時).

      • s1212z


        Yeah, that makes sense now, thank you!

      • snowypine


        Sorry if this is the wrong place to post resources, but 日本語の森 has a video on this grammar point. I noticed it wasn’t listed as a reading.

      • mrnoone



        I have added the video to the reading section!

        Thanks for the suggestion!

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