Grammar Info

N4 Lesson 6: 15/16

~てみるTo try to


Verb[て]+ みる


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About てみる

In order to express that you will (or someone else should) try something, the conjunction particle will be paired with ()る (almost always without kanji). While this is translated as 'to try to (A)', the actual meaning is closer to 'to do (A), and see (whether the result is good or not)'.

This grammar construction is usually only used when someone tries something for the first time.

As mentioned above, this phrase is also used when suggesting that someone else should try something. In these situations, (A) + てみて, or more formally, (A) + てみてください will be used.

Sometimes, in very casual situations, even the will be dropped, and (A) + てみ will be used by itself. This usually has the nuance of 'come on, just give it a go!'


When てみた appears in the past tense, it will imply that the attempt was successful, unless specifically stated otherwise by the speaker.

Fun Fact

While the kanji for ()る may be used in this grammar point, it will result in the 'see' meaning being heavily stressed (rather than 'try'). This may cause a misunderstanding on the part of the person listening/reading.




    I want to try swimming with dolphins.


    First, please try to eat it.


    I want to try to do Judo.


    I intend to try to look it up at the library.


    I tried skiing last weekend.

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てみる – Grammar Discussion

Most Recent Replies (11 in total)

  • Jake


    to try to


    • Verb[] + み る

    View on Bunpro

  • CrisH


    Hi there. In the ‘Structure Legend’ it says ichidan verbs are ‘V(る1)’ in the grammar breakdown, but I haven’t seen that anywhere. Is that something that crops up in later grammar points?
    I ask because I can’t see what みる is from this grammar point’s information.

  • mrnoone



    V(る1) symbol is used in grammar points where various conjugations of verbs are introduced.
    Like てform, potential form.

    みる in verb[て] + みるitself conjugates exactly like verb 見る which is ichidan verb.

    If you have more questions feel free to ask


  • sakkara


    Does てみると mean something else? I saw it in 着いてみると and it seems to mean “As soon as I arrived” instead of “try to arrive” or something like it.

    Also, is てみたら similar to てみると?

  • mrnoone



    Hey, long time no see!

    This is a specific case of AとB sentence pattern, where と means “when”, “as soon as” or “then”, and B is something that you notice/happens at the moment A and is beyond your control. Basically “When I did A/When A emerged(if not intentional), B happened.” The B is generally in the past tense. Notice that A part is always in non-past (even if it refers to past!).

    In this case, it’s more about てみる core meaning - that some action actually happens (when it is non-intentional) or someone makes it happen after trying it (when it is intended, this is what we generally mean by てみる). (This is best visible in difference between てみた and ようがした where the first one has nuance of having intention of doing something and carrying it out successfully and the second one means having in...

  • Howl_UK


    There is a Japanese Ammo video for this grammar point. She also covers ようとする.

  • johnalindogan


    Hi! what are the rules for using てみた? The information page only talks about てみる but there is an example using てみたい. Or are they interchangeable?

    The example provided is:

    Thank you!!

  • melisma


    @johnalindogan As far as I understand it, たい is a separate grammar point that means “want to do” so it turns てみる (to try) into てみたい (want to try)

  • Suthivun


    Hi, I hope this is the place to ask for translation checks. Please let me know if it isn’t

    If I wanted to say “I want to try and learn how to play the ukulele again.” would it be 「もう一回ウクレレを弾くことのが習って見たいです。」?

  • matt_in_mito


    Hi, and welcome!

    This should be 弾くことを or 弾くのを

    ~てみる doesn’t use this kanji. It’s just hiragana.

    Other than that, I’m pretty sure it looks OK.

  • Suthivun


    Thanks! It was very helpful.

  • Minori6Kaemon


    There’s an explanation for this grammar point in A Dictionary Of Basic Japanese Grammar on page 246.

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