[る1]Verb → 見る + させる
[る5]Verb → 座る + らせる
[う]Verb → 歌う + わせる
[く]Verb → 歩く + かせる
[す]Verb → 話す + させる
[つ]Verb → 打つ + たせる
[ぬ]Verb → 死ぬ + なせる
[ぶ]Verb → 飛ぶ + ばせる
[む]Verb → 休む + ませる
[ぐ]Verb → 泳ぐ + がせる
くる→ こさせる
About Verb[せる・させる]
In order to express that someone was 'made to do', or 'let do' something, the auxiliary verbs せる and させる will be used. The meaning that せる and させる will convey (when attached to a verb) is called 使役 (causative, employment, or using) in Japanese.
A common misconception is that せる and させる are standard conjugations of each verb. However, these auxiliary verbs should be thought of as having their own meaning, in a similar way to how たい, ない, だ, です, and other auxiliaries each have their own meanings.
In order to use these grammar structures, remove the る from る-Verbs, and then add させる. For う-Verbs, change the last kana to the あ sound kana from within the same column (except for う, which becomes わ), and then add せる (る becomes ら, む becomes ま, く becomes か, etc.).
As usual, する and 来る have special conjugation rules. する will be replaced completely by させる (in a similar way to how できる completely replaces する in the 'potential' form). 来る will become 来させる.
With causative, either に, or を can mark the doer of the action that せる, or させる is linked to (not が). This is because the actual 'doer' of the action is considered to be the person that is making/letting someone perform that action. に will usually imply that someone was 'let' do something, while を implies 'make'.
Fun Fact
Because the actual 'doer' in causative verb sentences will be marked with が (as is always the case), the literal translation of せる and させる is closer to the following:
(A) が (B) に楽しませる - For (A) to cause fun 'in' (B).
(A) が (B) を楽しませる - For (A) to cause fun 'through' (B).
It is these standard meanings of the particles に (a location) and を (a target) that will create the 'let', or 'make' nuance when using せる, or させる.
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My older brother made my younger sister cry.
(Someone) makes the kid who doesn't want to go to school go.
I woke my friend up at four in the morning and made him go home.
I make/let students enjoy studying.
I was yelled at because I insistently made my friend go to a haunted house.
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Causative Form Part ① [video]
Japanese Ammo with Misa
Causative Form Part ② [video]
Japanese Ammo with Misa
Causative verb Introduction
Causative Verbs
Tae Kim
Particles used with the causative
[AIAIJ] An Integrated Approach to Intermediate Japanese
Page 53
[DBJG] A Dictionary of Basic Japanese Grammar
Page 388
Genki II 1st Edition
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Genki II 2nd Edition
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Tae Kim's Japanese Grammar Guide
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みんなの日本語 II
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Verb[せる・させる] – Grammar Discussion
Most Recent Replies (10 in total)
Verbs [causative voice]
to make/let/have somebody do somethingStructure
V(る1) → 見 る → 見 させる
V(す) → 話 す → 話 させる
V(る5) → 座 る → 座 らせる
V(う) → 歌 う → 歌 わせる
V(く) → 歩 く → 歩 かせる
V(つ) → 打 つ → 打 たせる
V(ぬ) → 死 ぬ → 死 なせる
V(ぶ) → 飛 ぶ → 飛 ばせる
V(む) → 休 む → 休 ませる
V(ぐ) → 泳 ぐ → 泳 がせるIrregular Verbs
for the sentence Babies cannot eat on their own, so we have to make them eat .,
why for example can’t たべさせなければいけない be the answer?Pushindawood
@eran Hey! Since this sentence is not testing “have to” or “must,” but the causative, we include “[causative + なきゃいけない]” as a hint. “たべさせなければいけない” is grammatical and would work in this sentence, we just wanted everyone to focus on conjugating for the causative without worrying about which form to use for “have to” or “must.” You should be seeing these types of hints appear in the answer blank (in the Japanese sentence) before you type your answer. Cheers!
My textbook says that the one being caused to do something is marked with an を when what they are being caused to do is intransitive, and a に when what they are being caused to do is transitive. I don’t see any mention of this in the explanation, but all of the example sentences fit the pattern. Is this untrue? I feel like if it is true it should probably be included in the grammar point. My textbook is Situational Functional Japanese.
just to clarify, based on the notes in the grammar point I was led to believe
先生が私をコヒーを作らせました。would mean, my teacher made me make coffee - if を in fact carries the nuance of to make someone do something.
But my teachers are saying the correct sentence is actually
先生が私にコヒーを作らせました。Which can mean either let or made with the differentiator either being context or a 〜て下さった・〜てくれった to imply having done me the favor of letting me.
Hi everyone! I have a question. How can you turn this into negative? For example, if I want to say “XX person didn’t permit YY person to do this and that”? Thanks!
Good question! In this kind of sentence, most of the time it will be implied that someone did not do something ‘for you’, so you would combine させる with てくれる.
‘My mom didn’t let me do dance practice’If you were talking about someone else, you would probably use the てあげる structure instead of くれる. or just させなかった by itself.
I had the same question. Bunpro is really not clear at all what answer it wants for these must/mustn’t questions. The hints for this question don’t say anything about which form to use – it just says " A grammar point that is used when someone either lets or makes someone do (A)." It sucks to keep getting this wrong because even though なければ is grammatical, Bunpro wants you to only enter なきゃ, without telling you that. D:
Thanks for letting us know about this! I have just added ‘Colloquial’ to the tense information for this question. Ideally all questions should tell you in the tense information if a colloquial form is expected, but it appears that this information was missing from this question! Sorry for the inconvenience
Oh, awesome! Thanks for that.
Weird question.
In English, we use a construction that is something like “I made myself practice guitar every day.” And this implies that is was difficult, and we didn’t always want to be doing it.
Does this translate into Japanese, where you could use a reflexive pronoun to imply this. Example, “jibun wo saseru” = “I made myself do it.”
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