Verb[stem]+ に + 行く
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About Verb + にいく
に行く is a grammar construction that is used when someone is going somewhere for the purpose of doing (A). (A) representing the verb that comes before に行く. As with other uses of に, this particle is highlighting an end point or goal of 'going'.
When using this structure, it will be important to remember that (A) will appear in its stem form, before に行く gets attached to the end.
This grammar point is regularly translated as 'to go in order to (A)'.
If you have already 'gone' somewhere for the purpose of doing something, then you would use '(A) に来た', while at the location.
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To go eat ramen. (to go in order to eat)
To go play soccer. (to go in order to play)
I will go study Japanese. (to go in order to study)
I went to play at the park. (to go in order to play)
I will go buy a book. (to go in order to buy)
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Verb + にいく – Grammar Discussion
Most Recent Replies (32 in total)
to go in order to
- Verb[stem] + に・行く
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So, I came across this sentence
I went to play at the park
I tried answering as:
公園へ遊あそび に行 いきました
but it wasn’t accepted as a correct answer and would only allow
公園へ遊あそび に行いった
as the correct answer.I don’t get why, since it didn’t specify that the anwer had to be in a casual form or anything
Sorry if this has been answered before, and many thanks in advanced.mrnoone
Hey and welcome on community forums
Both answers should be working now
wow, that was quick, thanks!
I just learned about this in my study session but there’s something I don’t understand. In the sentences there’s often し just before に行く, I’m pretty sure I didn’t see this in previous lessons, what does it mean ?
It is simply a stem of する.
I see… I guess it was right under my nose
Thanks for your help !mickos
Similar to comment above, having the following marked wrong
切手きってを かいにいきます のが好すき。[買かう]Any reason only informal would be allowed?
切手きってを かいにいく のが好すき。[買かう]mrnoone
の is one of [the nominalizers] ( of Japanese. Basically, it makes it possible to use verbs as nouns.
(Similar to English: to swim - swimming, to write - writing)Technically の is a (dummy) noun. In Japanese to modify the noun, you need a short form of a verb. The polite form is not used in this role.
That is basically all.
I hope it helps
I am confused on this one:
今夜こんや、 のみにいきます 。[飲む]Why isnt this のにいきます?
Does verb[stem] mean only use the stem, in this case, の?
We understand verb[stem] as stem of ます conjugation. So:
V(る1/る verb/ichidan verb) → 見 る → 見
ます→ 見V(る5/う verb with る ending/godan verb with る ending) → 座 る → 座り
ます→ 座りV(う) → 歌 う → 歌い
ます→ 歌いV(く) → 歩 く → 歩き
ます→ 歩きV(す) → 話 す → 話し
ます→ 話しV(つ) → 打 つ → 打ち
ます→ 打ちV(ぬ) → 死 ぬ → 死に
ます→ 死にV(ぶ) → 飛 ぶ → 飛び
ます→ 飛びV(む) → 休 む → 休み
ます→ 休みV(ぐ) → 泳 ぐ → 泳ぎ
ます→ 泳ぎIn our case:
飲む -> 飲み
ます-> 飲み今夜、 のみにいきます 。
I hope it makes it a bit more clear,
Okay that clears it up for me, thank you.
The lambda is for lambda calculus
Hi, first post here and I’m a little confused about the following sentence in the examples:
Why is へ used in this sentence? As I understood it, へ can only really be used to indicate going towards something and must be used with a verb of motion, but in this sentence it is paired with 遊び which is not a verb indicating motion or direction. Should it not be で (at) Instead?
Appreciate anyone’s help to explain this one, many thanks!
@DanPhelps88 Welcome to the community!
This is exactly right! However, へ (or に) is used in tandem with the whole phrase あそびにいく to indicate the act of “going to to go play” rather than just “to play” (あそぶ).
〜にいく pairs with other verbs to give them direction/motion and expresses what you are moving toward (to do). Therefore, it is better to think of Verb + にいく as one phrase, rather than trying to connect particles to only the first part of the phrase.
I hope this helps. Cheers!
I keep getting this mixed up with ていく, what’s the difference? Is it the sequence of events?
しにいく - to go then do
していく- to do then gothanks
The difference is that しにいくis describing going somewhere for the purpose of doing something e.g.
あの店に、食べに行った。“I went to eat at that restaurant”
Whereas していく describes doing something then going somewhere e.g.
It’s okay! Because I will take a lunch (bento) with me
They’re holding/carrying/possesing the lunch and then going so it just becomes “take” in englishRendon
Hello, for this question:
Why does 渡す yield 渡しにいった? I do not believe that 渡す needs する. Am I mistaken about that, or is this す → し for a reason I’m forgetting?
There is no する, it’s just a godan verb in its masu stem form. The さ row is さしすせそ and this form uses the i sound from the row, so 渡す becomes 渡します.
This should be part of the “Details” section for this lesson. As a beginner, I couldn’t understand what I had to do to godan verbs. The “Structure” shown looked like only ichidan verbs were involved with this lesson.
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