Grammar Info

N5 Lesson 5: 12/12

~に()To go ~, To go in order to ~


Verb[ます+ + ()


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About Verb + にいく

() is a grammar construction that is used when someone is going somewhere for the purpose of doing (A). (A) representing the verb that comes before (). As with other uses of , this particle is highlighting an end point or goal of 'going'.

When using this structure, it will be important to remember that (A) will appear in its stem form, before () gets attached to the end.

This grammar point is regularly translated as 'to go in order to (A)'.

If you have already 'gone' somewhere for the purpose of doing something, then you would use '(A) ()', while at the location.




    To go eat ramen. (to go in order to eat)


    To go play soccer. (to go in order to play)


    I will go study Japanese. (to go in order to study)


    I went to play at the park. (to go in order to play)


    I will go buy a book. (to go in order to buy)

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Verb + にいく – Grammar Discussion

Most Recent Replies (32 in total)

  • IcyIceBear


    Not godan specific conjugation explanation, but it does have something that tells you.

  • malek777


    Hi all! I see that some actions include the stem from of suru (shi) before adding the ni-iku. My question is: Does suru (shi in this case) not require an object marker (wo) to function correctly? In the below sentence, for example, why is there no “wo” between “benkyou” and “shi”?


  • norah


    This feels like taking an unnecessary extra step to fit it into a neat description short-hand description that works for both ichidan and godan verbs. Verbs don’t really conjugate into “ます conjugation”. “ます” is just a verb.

    For godan verbs they conjugate into i-stem, which we even see in this response:
    → 休
    → 歩

    For ichidan all that happens is removing “る” as with basically all ichidan conjugations.

    As explained here we then add “ます”, and then remove “ます”, and then add in “に行く”

    So isn’t adding in “ます” just an extra step to use the same description for ichidan and godan verbs? That’s… weird.

    Anyways, I’ll drop in a little video that I think could be useful to most who stumble in here:

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