
N4 レッスン 9: 5/16


In the process of doing ~ right now/at this moment

In this use ところ means "stage/level/situation"


Verb[ている]+ ところ +


  • 使用域


  • 使用域



In the previous grammar point, we learned that たところ (or ていたところ) will mean 'just did (A)', or 'was just doing (A)'. ているところ works in a similar way, but expresses that someone is right in the middle of doing something. It is regularly translated as 'doing (A) right now', or 'in the process of (A)'.
  • 仕事(しごと)ているところから(あと)電話(でんわ)する
    I am in the middle of work right now, so I will call you later, okay?
  • 昨日(きのう)近所(きんじょ)泥棒(どろぼう)警察(けいさつ)から()ているところ()
    Yesterday, I saw a burglar running away from the police in my neighborhood.
Using ているところ will indicate that someone is 'busy with (A)', and would therefore not be used when changing actions suddenly. In these cases ているところだった would be used, before the (B) phrase would further explain what happened next.
  • 映画(えいが)()ているところだったから電話(でんわ)()なかった
    I was in the middle of watching a movie, so I couldn't answer the phone.
  • ギター()ているところだったからメッセージに気付(きづ)なかった
    I was in the middle of playing my guitar, so I didn't notice your message.





    I am in the process of watching a movie right now.


    My dad is in the process of climbing Mt. Fuji right now.


    I am in the process of asking the teacher right now.


    I am in the process of studying Japanese right now. (Annoyed that he is being interrupted)


    When he came into Starbucks, I was in the process of drinking coffee (at that moment).

  • ご登録いただくと、より多くの例文にアクセスできます。





  • オンライン



    • オフライン



      • リソースを追跡する!



      最近の返信 (合計6件)

      • matt_in_mito


        払っていたところ is also acceptable but generally in Japanese the tense of a sentence only comes at the end.
        The same can be said for levels of politeness - i.e. use plain form throughout a long sentence and stick ます on the end to make it polite.

      • mrnoone


        Hey and welcome on the community forums @Jl45

        Like @matt_in_mito said, usually in Japanese tense of the sentence is determined at the end. Like in this case, whether you use ている and ていた the meaning is the same, the interlocutor picks the tense from the context.

        Though there are cases when you are forced to use certain forms, like past form before あと or
        non-past before 前,

        By the way, read this post:

      • Scyamntic


        Indeed it does!

      「ているところだ」について質問がありますか? 話し合ったり、質問をしてみんなで学びましょう!
