Grammar Info

N5 Lesson 2: 5/12

う-Verb (Dictionary)う + ます (Godan Verbs)

Short form is also often called 'casual form' (because it is used in casual language), or 'plain form'




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About う-Verb (Dictionary)

う-Verbs include all of the verbs in Japanese that end in う sounds (including some of the verbs that end in る). These verbs are called Godan (五段(ごだん)) 'five-level' verbs in Japanese, due to their conjugations using all 5 of the different sounds in the same column ((だん)) that their base form comes from.

As we can see here, the く in ()く changes to き when conjugated to the polite form. All of the other sounds the K-column will be used with ()く, depending on the conjugation. This is the same for all of the う-Verbs.

()ない, ()たい, (), (), ()

Here we can see the う-Verb ()く using all of the different K-column sounds in various conjugations.


Just like with る-Verbs, the base form of the verb may be called 'plain form', 'casual form', or 'short form', depending on the source/book.




    To listen/hear


    To sit down


    To drink


    To hit


    To meet

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う-Verb (Dictionary) – Grammar Discussion

Most Recent Replies (14 in total)

  • FredKore


    I was curious so I tried it. Google is not great for checking proper grammar – it takes whatever you give it and tries to interpret what you meant to say. But notice, in the ローマ字, it still recognizes that ‘mochinai’ is not a word and separates it into two…

  • bhenryjp1


    I totally overlooked and misread the た in the casual form. Thanks!

  • delliepops


    The ____ is labeled “polite”. But I’m supposed to fill in the casual form? This doesn’t make sense to me. Shouldn’t the ____ be labeled “casual”?

    Here’s what the question looks like:

    (Polite) → 飲みます

    Why is the correct answer nomu (casual form) when the label is clearly asking me to fill in the polite form, which is what’s already on the right side?

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