Grammar Info

N5 Lesson 2: 4/12

る-Verb (Dictionary)る + ます (Ichidan Verbs)

Short form is also often called 'casual form' (because it is used in casual language), or 'plain form'




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About る-Verb (Dictionary)

る-Verbs are verbs that have only one possible conjugation pattern. This pattern simply involves the replacement of る with another construction, depending on the tense of the verb (past, negative, etc). This conjugation pattern that only includes る is where the Japanese name Ichidan (一段(いちだん)) 'one-level' comes from.

In these examples, we can see that る is removed from the verb to create the polite ます form. The る form of the verb is often called 'plain form', 'casual form', or 'short form', depending on the source/book.
All る-Verbs end in the kana る, there are no exceptions to this rule.


While all る-Verbs end in る, not all verbs that end in る are る-Verbs. These verbs can be identified by the る changing, rather than being removed when conjugated.

As the る in ()る becomes り in ()ります, we can determine immediately that it is not a る-Verb, but actually a う-Verb.




    To look


    To go to sleep


    To memorize/remember


    To eat


    To wash/shower

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る-Verb (Dictionary) – Grammar Discussion