Verb + かもしれない
[い]Adjective + かもしれない
[な]Adjective + かもしれない
Noun + かもしれない
About かもしれない
かもしれない is an expression in Japanese that is often treated as a single word, but is actually the combination of the particle かも, and the potential form of the う-Verb 知る (to know) with the auxiliary verb ない attached. かもしれない is regularly translated simply as 'might', or 'maybe', but the literal translation is much closer to 'even (A), we cannot know'.
To use かもしれない, attach it to the end of any verb, noun, な-Adjective or い-Adjective, in their non-polite (keigo) forms.
As the う-Verb 知る is part of this construction, it may also be altered to its polite-potential form, creating かもしれません.
Due to かもしれない being such a common grammar pattern in daily speech for expressing uncertainty about various things, several colloquial forms also exist. These are かも, かもしらん, and かもしれん.
かも is by far the most common of these colloquial forms, with かもしらん potentially sounding a little bit rough/boyish.
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That might be right.
She might be late again.
I might go to America next year.
If I buy these nice clothes, then I might become popular.
It is maybe better to not say such things.
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