Grammar Info

N4 Lesson 4: 10/18

じゃないかIsn't it?, Is it not?


Phrase + じゃない +


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About じゃないか

When learning じゃない and ではない, we briefly mentioned that these constructions are regularly partnered with the particle , in order to form a (usually casual) question. In this lesson, we will further explore this usage.

Unlike じゃない and ではない (which need to come after a noun or な-Adjective), じゃないか is able to be attached to the end of almost any phrase, to indicate a question. This is very similar to finishing a sentence with 'isn't it?' in English.

When じゃないか is too casual, ではないか will be used instead. Despite being more formal, this may sound a bit stiff at times, so is best only used when politeness is expected.




    It was about that, wasn't it?


    It will finish already, won't it?


    Isn't that a camera!?


    The next station is the one we get off at, isn't it?


    It is scary crossing this bridge, isn't it?

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