Grammar Info

N3 Lesson 1: 16/22

(こと)Should, Ought


Verb[る] + こと +
Verb[ない] + こと +


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About ことだ

As a sentence ending particle, こと has two primary functions. These are as follows:

願望(がんぼう)(かる)命令(めいれい)(あらわ)す - Highlighting a desire or weak command.

感嘆(かんたん)疑問(ぎもん)(あらわ)す - Highlighting astonishment or doubt.

We will focus on the first meaning in this grammar point, as the 'astonishment' nuance is not as commonly used in modern Japanese, and is primarily used only by women.

At the end of a sentence, こと will be paired with the dictionary (or ない) form of a verb, to highlight a particular action that either should, or should not occur. It is usually grouped with the auxiliary verb , although this is not always the case. This construction is most often translated as 'should/should not (A)', or 'ought to/not (A)'.


This use of こと implies a certain level of 'authority', and is therefore regularly used in relation to set rules and expectations (can very frequently be seen on signs in shops/parks, etc). Due to this, it should not be used when giving 'general' advice, especially to people of higher status.





    I think you ought to trust him/her this time.


    Students should obey their teachers.


    What is important, is that you should take the medicine the doctor gave you.


    You ought to try it first because you'll find out what needs to be improved.


    As soon as you memorize something, you ought to say it out loud. If you do that, you will get better.

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ことだ – Grammar Discussion

Most Recent Replies (8 in total)

  • mrnoone


    should, ought to

    Verb[ ] + ことだ
    Verb[ ない ] + ことだ

    View on Bunpro

  • Elibean


    Hello! What’s the difference between this and “beki”? Thank you!

  • gyroninja


    This grammar point is a combination of こと and だ.

    [Authoritative; used by someone of higher status/power/attitude]

    [ことだ is used when giving indirect advice]

    べき originates from the conjugative form of べし, an auxiliary verb that attaches to the plain form of a verb, but 〜べき it can be like a noun since it can be followed by だ/です.

    Unlike ことだ it doesn’t attatch to the negative form of verbs. Instead you can do something like …べきじゃない.

    [Used to express a strong sense that doing something is generally a correct thing to do, an obligation, a duty, etc.]

    [Much stronger than した方がいい]

  • Elibean


    説明してくれてありがとうございます!So ~ことだ is more authorative in use than “べき”, basically? And can also be used for giving indirect advice. Did I get it right?

  • mrnoone


    To sum it up, べきだ usually expresses general obligation so it sounds more authorative, while ことだ usually expresses personal advice/warning.


  • Yuna2020


    And what about the grammar in this form? I can’t find it in Bunpro


  • CursedKitsune


    Why is the copula required in this lesson? Why isn’t just すること taught/accepted as an answer/bounced back?

  • domi650


    Hey, I just had this grammar point and when reviewing it “ことです” has been marked as wrong. This is weird because it is displayed as the polite equivalent to ことだ, there should at least be a warning that the casual version is wanted in that specific sentence.

  • mekomori


    no i like agree with this so much because the amount of times i am ONE hiragana character off and it marks me wrong, like damn, im so sorry i missed the な or よ particle

    like damn, i understand particles are important but god, at least I remembered the kanji

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