Grammar Info

N4 Lesson 10: 17/18

()われているIt is said that, Is known as


Phrase + いわれている


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About といわれている

といわれている is often translated as 'to be said that (A)', or 'it is known that (A)'. Like とされている, it is another construction that links the case marking particle, with the passive form of another verb, to mark a commonly held/public opinion. The verb in this case being ()う.

However, unlike とされている which expresses a 'result', といわれている expresses 引用(いんよう) a 'quotation'. To use といわれている, add it to the end of a phrase that you would like to express as being a common thing that is said.

This particular grammar point is regularly seen both with, and without the kanji for ()う, as the meaning will not change depending on its usage.




    Because it is said that it is dangerous, you shouldn't do it.


    It is said that the lion is the king of the jungle.


    It is said that if you eat protein, you will gain power.


    It is said that seeing is believing. (Things that cannot be seen are unbelievable)


    It is said that he is a criminal because he did terrible things.

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といわれている – Grammar Discussion

Most Recent Replies (14 in total)

  • Pushindawood


    it is said that
    is known as


    • Phrase + と・いわれている

    View on Bunpro

  • flowsnake


    Is there a grammar point which the after こと comes from?

    Is it ?

  • Ambo100


    I am constantly confusing といわれている and とされている…

  • RhinoINK


    彼かれが力強ちからづよいから、ゴリラマンといわれている。 He is know as~~
    Is it not possible to also have としてしられている here?

  • ljoekelsoey


    Interesting question! Depends on the English translation for this I guess. If it is “he is known as” then I’m not sure there is anything wrong with your suggestion. I stand waiting to be corrected however.

    彼が力強から、ゴリラマン といわれている
    He is called Gorilla-man as he’s so strong.
    彼が力強から、ゴリラマン として知られている
    He is known as Gorilla-man as he’s so strong.

    As in English, the meaning is very similar, the nuance is just slightly different. I feel として知られている also feels a little serious/ almost up-tight even, given the context.

  • RhinoINK


    Ooh I see, that’s interesting!

    The official translation from bunpro is “He is known as Gorilla Man because he is strong.”, but I didn’t know that として知られている had a more ‘formal’ nuance.

    For some reason, I kind of have it as a set phrase in my head more so than と言いわれている which is why it’s the answer I keep jumping to, but since it’s just supposed to be in a casual context then it would make sense for と言いわれている to be the preferred

  • ljoekelsoey


    Yeh, its obviously a tongue in cheek sentence so i feel として知られてる is a little stiff.

    Grammatically i dont think theres anything wrong with what youve said. What do you reckon @Pushindawood?

  • Aarix


    For the sentence:


    Wouldn’t it be a little redundant to use “とよく”? Especially since that’s shoehorned into the grammar point to make it a bit more confusing? What’s wrong with 私の妹は歌たを上手に歌るといわれている? Or is that sentence more like She is good at singing a good song?

  • nekoyama


    The と in this grammar point is the quotation particle. Anything following it is not part of the quote. The よく applies to the verb 言う and is where the “often” comes from in “it is often said”. よく often means “frequently”.

    The first half 私の妹はを上手に歌える means “my sister can sing songs skilfully”. To say “good songs”, the noun would have to be modified e.g. いい歌.

  • Aarix


    Thanks for the response. My bad for not being used to reading quotes without the 「」s

  • SevenZeven


    Sooo… if the ‘と’ here is the quotation particle, is the ‘言われている’ in this grammar point combining

    ‘言われる’ (passive) and

    ‘–ている’ (present progressive)?

    So a very literal translation might be something like ‘it is being said that…’? Or am I misunderstanding this?

  • matt_in_mito


    Hi and welcome!
    Yes, pretty much exactly how you explained it. I don’t think you would even need ‘being’ - just “It is said that…”

  • SevenZeven


    Ah thank you! I think understanding this will help me remember it

  • Ambo100


    Revisiting this grammar point from my understanding the difference is:

    Repeating or reporting on something that has been said by someone else.

    Reporting on a wildly held belief or opinion held by others.

  • ShinobiTay


    from the textbook 完全マスター it say といわれている something that is generally believed, more like people say that. which is very similar to me とされいてる is widely considered 。 does anyone know if they are interchangeable if so when or not? is とされているmore stuffy?

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