どんな + (に) + Verb[ても]
どんな + (に) + [い]Adjective[ても]
どんな + (に) + [な]Adjective + でも
どんな + (に) + Noun + でも
About どんなに〜ても
As explained in the そんな grammar point, the こそあど言葉(ことば) may occasionally be seen in the forms こんな, そんな, あんな, or どんな. どんな itself is an abbreviation of どのような, meaning 'in what way', or 'what kind of'. When partnered with に (creating an adverb), and ても, どんなに~ても is used to express the extent of something that is insufficient. It can be translated as 'no matter how (A), (B)'.
どんなに may be attached to any type of word, so long as that word is then followed by でも (in the case of nouns or な-Adjectives) or ても (in the case of い-Adjectives or verbs).
どんなに~ても can literally be translated as 'even if (A) is in however/whatever (way), (B)'.
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I think that it is impossible no matter how hard I try.
No matter how much they laugh at us, let's keep pushing forward.
No matter how much I study, I don't think that I can pass.
No matter how bored I am, I won't even think about cleaning.
I will never give up no matter how hard it is.
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どんなに vs. いくら + ~ても
[AIAIJ] An Integrated Approach to Intermediate Japanese
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どんなに〜ても – Grammar Discussion
Most Recent Replies (6 in total)
English translation:
no matter howStructure:
どんなに + Verb[ ても ]
どんなに + いAdj[ くても ]
どんなに + Noun + でも
どんなに + なAdj + でもView on Bunpro
For the sentence どんなに勉強しても、合格できないと思う, could どれぐらい be used synonymously?
i.e. どれぐらい勉強しても、合格できないと思う
@ulurujamman Hey! どのぐらい and どれぐらい are only used to express “approximately how much of (something exists)?” The question mark at the end is key as どの/どれぐらい can only be used when asking how much of something there is or how much of something was done. So, どれ/どのくらい勉強しましたか (About how much did you study?) would work, but not どれ/どのぐらい勉強しても… You might be thinking of どんだけ (which is abbreviated from どれだけ), which has approximately the same meaning as どんなに. Cheers!
Couldn’t どうして be used to mean a similar thing?
For instance this example sentence:
Couldn’t it also be:
Or does it just sound weird?
Since どうして means ‘why’, it would sound as unnatural as saying ‘Even if why hard it is, you have to accept reality.’ In sentences like this, where the speaker is trying to express ‘even if (A) is in however/whatever (way), (B)’, どんな works better since it has the meaning of ‘in what way’ or ‘what kind of’.
I hope this clears it up!
That makes sense, I got confused because of どうしても, I thought “why not break the ても away?”
Is it acceptable to use どのように instead of どんなに in this context?
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