Grammar Info

N1 Lesson 2: 6/17

なりAs soon as, The moment, When


Verb[る]+ なり


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About なり

なり is an old-fashioned particle in Japanese that has several different uses. One of those uses is to convey the meaning of 'as soon as (A), (B)', or 'the moment of (A), (B)'. This structure will follow the dictionary form of verbs and is classified as a conjunction particle.

(B) is usually something that is surprising, and brought about by a strong sense of will or emotion. Additionally, なり is almost always used in relation to other people, rather than oneself.

Fun Fact

Despite appearing to be a conjugation of the う-Verb なる 'to become' at first glance, なり is actually one of the readings of (なり), meaning 'shape', and refers to the overall situation of (A) in a similar way to ところ.




    The moment father returned home from a business trip, mother started crying.


    As soon as she heard the joke, she bursted out laughing.


    As soon as my wife wakes up, she checks mail on her smartphone.


    As soon as I stopped dancing, she suddenly kissed me. I feel great.


    As soon as the telegram from his mother came, Yamada became pale.

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