Verb[た](1) + かと思ったら(2)
[い]Adjective + かと思ったら(2)
[な]Adjective + かと思ったら(2)
Noun + かと思ったら(2)
(1) Verb[る]
(2) かと思うと、かと思えば
About かと思ったら・かと思うと
When the adverbial particle か is combined with と, the う-Verb 思う, and either of the hypothetical markers たら or と, it forms a compound that is used to illustrate uncertainty about whether (A) has been finalized or not. In most cases, this translates as '(A), then again (B)', 'just when I thought (A), (B)', or 'no sooner than (A), (B)'. Literally, the meaning is close to 'before (A) could even be confirmed as having happened, (B)'.
かと思うと and かと思ったら will regularly appear after verbs in either their dictionary or past-tense forms.
Alternatively, this structure may also be seen following nouns, especially when the meaning is focused on the speaker's feelings about (A).
Either なの (or の when used with verbs) may appear between the target phrase and かと思ったら when the (B) phrase includes the speaker's feelings.
Occasionally, か may be omitted from this phrase, leaving only と思うと and と思ったら. Although the meaning is exactly the same, omission of the か will make the expression sound softer.Related
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Just when I thought they would grow disgusted of their continued mistakes, they didn't.
Just when I thought they would hate it, they easily gave me the okay.
Just when I thought that they were throwing a tantrum, they become extremely docile.
Just when I thought that he was sad because he got scolded, he started laughing.
Just when I thought of something to say they were already talking about dissolving the duo.
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かと思ったら・かと思うと – Grammar Discussion
Most Recent Replies (1 in total)
then again
just when I thought
no sooner thanStructure
- Verb + かと思ったら ・ かと思うと
- Verb[ た ] + かと思ったら ・ かと思うと
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I’m being a little bit thrown off by the scoping in this sentence:
My interpretation:
I thought he is sad after being scolded so much, but he soon burst into laughter.
Is it correct that かとおもったら refers only to 悲しんでいる, not to the first part 怒られて, or is the whole phrase conditional?
I think only to 悲しんでいる due to the tense. If the whole phrase was conditional, it would use 悲しむ.Is it correct that passive 怒られる refers to 彼は(誰かに)怒られる?
Or should it be interpreted as (話し手は彼に)怒られる, with 彼は referring only to 悲しんでいる?In other words, are this statements correct?
- he has been scolded (not a conditional)
- “I” (the speaker) think that he is currently sad/feeling down from that
- but surprisingly he shows a different reaction
Any help appreciated.
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