Grammar Info

N2 Lesson 6: 19/20

にてIn, At, With, Using, By


Noun +


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About にて

にて is often considered as its own stand-alone particle, despite originally being a mix of に, and the conjunction particle, て. When combined, にて becomes a formal case-marking particle that is used in the same way as で. This means that it can convey the meaning of 'with (A)', 'by (A)', 'at (A)', or 'using (A)'.

にて will primarily appear following nouns that illustrate a means, method, time, location, reason, or origin that the speaker wants to highlight.

As this grammar structure is formal, it will primarily be seen in writing, or heard in announcements. で will be the far more natural choice in casual conversation.




    With this, the case is closed.


    I am waiting in the waiting room.


    The interview will take place at the company headquarters.


    It would be helpful if you could contact me using email.


    We will close (the shop) at five in the afternoon.

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      にて – Grammar Discussion