Grammar Info

N3 Lesson 3: 16/22


In accordance with, Matching, Fitting, Suitable for, Adjust or tune to


Noun + ()わせて
Noun + ()った + Noun


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About に合わせて・に合った

When the る - Verb ()わせる (sometimes ()せる) is seen in the form ()わせて, it conveys that something has been made to 'match (A)' or 'fit with (A)'. (A) being a noun that appears before , followed by ()わせて. This structure can also have the nuance of 'in accordance with (A)', highlighting that (A) is the governing factor.
It is also possible to see the う - Verb () used in its past tense form, linking an (A) noun to a (B) noun. This has a similar meaning, but is closer to '(B) that has met (A)'.
In sentences that use either of these expressions, more information is usually given about why something is happening in accordance with (A), or what the purpose of (B) meeting (A) is/was.
  • 音楽(おんがく)()わせてギター()練習(れんしゅう)ています
    I am practicing playing my guitar along with music.
  • 相手(あいて)()わせて(はな)(かた)()える(つか)れる。
    It is exhausting to change how you talk in accordance with who you are talking to.
  • このソファーにあったテーブル()おう
    Lets buy a table that matches this couch.
  • 壁紙(かべがみ)にあった家具(かぐ)()しい
    I want furniture that matches the wallpaper.
With ()わせて, sometimes the meaning is as simple as 'at the same time as (A)', or 'together with (A)'. However, (A) will still be perceived as being the primary cause/reason for whatever happens in the (B) part of the sentence.
  • リズム()わせて(うた)(うた)う。
    I sing while matching the rhythm. (I sing to the rhythm)
  • 合図(あいず)()わせてスタートする
    To start in accordance with the signal.




    In accordance with the signal, please begin.


    I plan to write a grammar textbook suitable for beginners. (match)


    Change your approach in accordance with the situation.


    Please choose some clothes that suit me. (match)


    Let's dance (in accordance) with that music.

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に合わせて・に合った – Grammar Discussion

Most Recent Replies (10 in total)

  • bokudake


    According to the answer to a question related to this grammar point there are more ways to express the same thing 🆚【合う】 と 【合わせる】 はどう違いますか? | HiNative

    Can に合う also be used to express the same meaning? Is there a nuance difference? Maybe it should also be mentioned in this grammar point?

    Q: 合う と 合わせる はどう違いますか?説明が難しい場合は、例文を教えて下さい。


    Q: ありがとうございます!!ほとんど同じですね。それで、天気に合う服を着ますと天気に合った服を着ますといって、何が違いますか?

    A: はい、同じと考えて良いです。

    It also mentions に合わせた, but I didn’t get from the answer whether that form is natural, there is no comment next to that line.

  • Fuga


    Hey there @bokudake !

    The main difference between 合う and 合わせるis that 合う is intransitive and 合わせる is transitive. Since one is transitive and the other is intransitive they have a slightly different nuance. Since transitive verbs are actions taken by another active thing and intransitive verbs are verbs that occur without an instigator, 天気に合う服 sounds a little unnatural since the speaker picked an article of clothing that was appropriate for the weather. A more natural sentence would be either ,天気に合わせて服を選ぶ, or 天気に合わせた服を着ている.

    They are similar, but because of the difference in nuance, they are not used the same nor can they be used interchangeably. I hope this helps!

  • bokudake


    Hey, thanks for the explanation. I think I’m starting to understand it better.

    Had the sentence been “I have clothes appropriate for the weather.”. Would に合う have been ok? 私には天気に合う服がある? Or maybe 私には天気に合った服がある?
    I don’t really understand the difference between に合う and に合った in this context, why the past from is used.

    On the same note, an example sentence from this grammar item:

    ()( )った ()()んで。
    Please choose some clothes that suit me.

    Is the reason why here the intransitive form is used because the clothes aren’t picked yet? Would the speaker later say, after his clothes have been picked: 今 ()(

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