Grammar Info

N3 Lesson 1: 1/22


Can, Should, It'd be good if


Verb[ば]+ いい


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About ばいい

In contrast to ばよかった, which is used for expressing regret about something that someone wishes had been done, ばいい highlights that the speaker is hoping for a particular result, in relation to something that has not happened yet. This translates as 'It'd be good if (A)'.
To use ばいい, add the conjunction particle ば, to the end of any verb, and then attach the い-Adjective, いい.
  • どれ()べればいい(まよ)てるところ
    About which would be good to eat, I am currently a bit lost.
  • ()ければいいけど()ける()からない
    It would be good if I could go, but I don't know if I can.
Although ばいい literally means 'if (A), it's good', it can also be used to give advice, and has a meaning that is similar to 'should (A)' in these situations. It is generally quite a soft way of giving advice.
  • テストいい(てん)()りたかったら勉強(べんきょう)すればいいんじゃない
    If you want a good grade on your test, shouldn't you just study?
  • そんなに(つか)れているなら仕事(しごと)(やす)めばいい
    If you are that tired, you should just take a day off.
ばいい may also be used when making statements about something that the speaker believes is not possible. In these cases, it is regularly paired with のに, and has the nuance of 'despite it being good if it were (A)'. This shows that the speaker thinks that (A) would be good, but is aware that (A) cannot/will not happen for some reason.
  • 明日(あした)(はや)()きればいいのに全然(ぜんぜん)()れない
    Even though I want to wake up early tomorrow, I can't sleep at all.
  • ()なら(かれ)そう()えばいいのに
    Even though you should just say it if you like him… (Why don't you)
  • (やす)めばいいのに(みんな)真面目(まじめ)だから(やす)まない
    They should take a break, but because they are all very diligent, they won't.




    I don't know who would be good to ask directions from.


    It would probably be good if you exercised.


    If you want to go driving, it would be good to get a driver's license.


    It would have been good to apologize right away, but he/she didn't apologize after all.


    If they want it, then it would be good to say something, but no one is saying anything.

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ばいい – Grammar Discussion

Most Recent Replies (7 in total)

  • mrnoone



    They are generally interchangeable with small differences being that たらいい feels a bit more casual than といい (and ばいい)and といい cannot be used in questions, while both ばいい and たらいい can, so どうしたらいい and どうすればいい are OK while どうするといい? is not.
    Another thing, when といい is used when giving recommendation/advice it might have a slight nuance of the action advised might generally be recommended thing to do.

    Other than that they should be interchangeable (in giving advice (though it adds mentioned nuance), also in all cases where one wishes or wonders with といいんだけど and so on), and if they are not accepted than its an error on our side and I’ll fix it (will check all of the sentences one by one).

    I hope it helps,

  • AlexoRush


    Saw this example on the website

    Why is it 行ければ and not 行けば?

  • Fuga


    Hey @AlexoRush !

    行ければ is 行く conjugated using these grammar points, れる・られる (Potential) and ば.

    行ければいい means ‘it would be good if I can go’.

    行けばいい means ‘it would be good if I go’.

    I hope this helps!

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