Grammar Info

N2 Lesson 8: 6/22


Definitely not, Absolutely not, Impossible, Do you really think~?


Verb[る]+ もの(1) +
[い]Adjective + もの(1) +
[な]Adjective + + もの(1) +
Noun + + もの(1) +

(1) もん


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About ものか

ものか is a set expression in Japanese that is used to strongly suggest that the previous statement absolutely will not happen, or is definitely not true. It is a combination of the noun もの 'thing', and the adverbial particle use of か for conveying 'doubt' or 'uncertainty'. Common translations include 'definitely not (A)', 'absolutely not (A)', and 'do you really think that (A)'. Literally, the meaning is quite close to 'as if' in English, as ものか just poses a strong question to which the speaker already completely disagrees with.
ものか may appear after any word that could attach to もの, such as a verbs and い-Adjectives, or な-Adjectives and nouns followed by な.
  • バカ()うな。(おれ)がそんな派手(はで)(ふく)()ものか
    Don't be stupid! Do you really think that I would wear something so flashy?!
  • 仕事(しごと)毎日(まいにち)(おこ)られてばかりだから(たの)しいもんか
    Work? I get yelled at everyday, so I am definitely not having a good time.
  • (わたし)毎日(まいにち)残業(ざんぎょう)しているし、(いえ)(かえ)ったら家事(かじ)全部(ぜんぶ)やっている。元気(げんき)ものか
    I work overtime every day and when I get home I do all the chores. Do you really think I have any energy left?
  • (まえ)みたいな(やつ)友達(ともだち)ものか
    A person like you is absolutely not my friend!
Other forms which may be seen are もんか, もんですか, and ものですか, with women being more traditionally likely to use the もんですか and ものですか variants.
Additionally, when following the た form of verbs, ものか will imply that the speaker cannot bear for (A) to eventuate, due to evaluating it as something highly negative.
  • 一人(ひとり)でこの(りょう)仕事(しごと)明日(あした)までにできたもんか
    As if it's possible to do this amount of work by tomorrow myself.
  • こんなまずい(めし)()べられたもんか
    As if I could have eaten something so awful.
Caution - There are several other situations in where ものか will be used, but in each of them it may be easiest to think of the primary translation as being 'as if (A)', as it merely implies the speakers shock or disbelief in relation to whatever conditions are presented in the previous statement. These 'conditions' may involve an amount, possibility, or result of (A).




    Nagai: 'Hasegawa-san, I heard that you are going out with Itou-san.'
    Hasegawa: 'No! I am absolutely not going out with him!'


    You, who has never experienced something like a broken heart,
    absolutely won't understand it!


    Inoue: 'Your male friend is waiting in front of your house.'
    Honda: 'I absolutely do not care what he is doing!'


    He absolutely will not use sarcasm. He is not that kind of a person.


    Even if we leave now we absolutely will not make it in time for sunrise.

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