Grammar Info

N3 Lesson 6: 7/24

(よう)()がするHave a feeling that


Verb + (ような) + ()する
[い]Adjective + (ような) + ()する
Noun + ( + ような ()する
[な]Adjective + ((1) + ような) + ()する



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About ような気がする

ような()がする is a phrase that takes the base meaning of ()がする 'to have a feeling that (A)', or 'to give off a vibe that (A)', and adds an extra layer of uncertainty through use of the auxiliary verb よう. This can be understood as meaning 'to have a funny feeling that (A)', or 'to kinda have a feeling that (A)'.

As always, よう must be attached to the attributive form of any word that comes before it.


()がする is quite a bit stronger than ような()がする, so the latter will often be used when the speaker is not 100% sure about something, and does not want to sound rude.




    I have a feeling that I understand.


    I have a feeling that I was deceived by that person.


    I have a feeling that I will pass this time.


    I have a feeling that I went the wrong way.


    I have a feeling that I know the answer of this question.

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