Grammar Info

N4 Lesson 4: 8/18

(よう)になるTo reach the point that, To come to be that, To turn into


Verb[できる](1) + ように + なる

(1) Verb[ない]Verb[る]


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About ようになる

When combined with the particle , and the う-Verb なる, よう expresses that a particular action has reached the point of being completed/able to be completed. Because of this, ようになる is regularly translated as 'to reach the point that (A)', or 'to turn into (A)'.

To use ようになる, it will need to be added to the plain-potential, non-past form of a verb.


When using this grammar construction, we will need to remember that する does not have a potential form. Therefore, できる will be used with words that usually act as する verbs.

However, ようになる is not limited to being used in affirmative sentences, and may also be used after a verb with ない. This shows that something has reached the point of 'not' being able to be completed.




    If you study English diligently, then you will reach a point where you can speak it.


    I reached the point that I was able to swim.


    I reached the point that I could understand.


    I want to reach a point where I can cook.


    I reached the point that I could run 100 meters in 10 seconds.

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ようになる – Grammar Discussion