Verb[ば]+ いい
About ばいい
In contrast to ばよかった, which is used for expressing regret about something that someone wishes had been done, ばいい highlights that the speaker is hoping for a particular result, in relation to something that has not happened yet. This translates as 'It'd be good if (A)'.
To use ばいい, add the conjunction particle ば, to the end of any verb, and then attach the い-Adjective, いい.
Although ばいい literally means 'if (A), it's good', it can also be used to give advice, and has a meaning that is similar to 'should (A)' in these situations. It is generally quite a soft way of giving advice.
ばいい may also be used when making statements about something that the speaker believes is not possible. In these cases, it is regularly paired with のに, and has the nuance of 'despite it being good if it were (A)'. This shows that the speaker thinks that (A) would be good, but is aware that (A) cannot/will not happen for some reason.
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It would probably be good if you exercised.
When would it be good to do it by?
If you are sleepy it would be good to take a short nap.
I think that it would be better to go to work early.
I don't know who would be good to ask directions from.
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ばいい – Grammar Discussion
Most Recent Replies (10 in total)
Verb[ ば ] + いいExplanation
[Used to ask for/give emphatic advice/express good option. Common phrase: どうすればいい - what should ~ do/how do ~/ how can ~][Used to ask for/give emphatic advice/express good option/wishes(often with なあ). Also, can be used together with のに to express an advice/wish that regretfully differs from actual state/is impossible to realize. ]
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Is there anything wrong with 出ていくべきなんでしょう rather than 出ていけばいいんでしょう?
It’s the strength of the advice; empathetic suggestion vs. obligation
In order to understand the differences, it would be a good idea to re-read the grammar points for ‘ba ii’ and ‘beki’ again.違いを理解するために、再び文法ポイントの「ばいい」と「べき」を読み直すべきです。
In order to understand the differences, you should re-read the grammar points for ‘ba ii’ and ‘beki’ again.I think といいです grammar could work as well with a slightly different nuance as well. Then there is たらいい、てもいい and ほうがいい. I think these get a bit more confusing on nuance compared to above.
Should there be a notation for よい? Came across that while reading Harry Potter. Threw me off for a bit, haha.
What’s the main difference between this and といい and -たらいい?
They seem very similar, but it won’t take them as the right answer for ones where it wants the other one.mrnoone
HeyThey are generally interchangeable with small differences being that たらいい feels a bit more casual than といい (and ばいい)and といい cannot be used in questions, while both ばいい and たらいい can, so どうしたらいい and どうすればいい are OK while どうするといい? is not.
Another thing, when といい is used when giving recommendation/advice it might have a slight nuance of the action advised might generally be recommended thing to do.Other than that they should be interchangeable (in giving advice (though it adds mentioned nuance), also in all cases where one wishes or wonders with といいんだけど and so on), and if they are not accepted than its an error on our side and I’ll fix it (will check all of the sentences one by one).
I hope it helps,
Saw this example on the website
行ければいいけど、行けるかわからないWhy is it 行ければ and not 行けば?
Hey @AlexoRush !
行ければ is 行く conjugated using these grammar points, れる・られる (Potential) and ば.
行ければいい means ‘it would be good if I can go’.
行けばいい means ‘it would be good if I go’.
I hope this helps!
In the example sentence
僕がでていけばいいんでしょう。悪いのは僕の方なんだから。(meaning It would be better if I leave, right? Since I am the one who has done wrong.)I was curious as to what the function of な is within 方なんだから? It intuitively sounds natural to my ears, but I often get tripped up whenever I see a なん every once in a while, so I’d appreciate an explanation from someone who understands! Thank you!
Isn’t it just ~んです・のです (JLPT N5) | Bunpro, with な being necessary to link a noun 方.
A simple point blank statement:
With conviction/explanatory nuance:
悪いのは僕の方なのです。With conviction, and explicitly giving a reason for the previous sentence:
More plainly giving a reason:
I seems like both だから and のだから versions are used plenty. Apologies if you were looking for something more specific!
No that was a great explanation and breakdown, thank you! Sometimes I definitely overthink things haha.
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