Grammar Info

N2 Lesson 2: 22/24

()かってTowards, To face, To head to


Noun + ()かっ
Noun + ()
Noun + () + + Noun


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About に向かって・に向けて

Coming from a link between に and the う-Verb ()かう 'to face', or 'to go towards' in its て-form, ()かって indicates that some specific action is being done 'towards (A)' or 'facing (A)'. (A) usually marks a stationary object or destination in the form of a noun. However, it can also mark less obvious destinations, such as the future '未来(みらい)'.

Additionally, when ()ける (the transitive form of the verb) is used, it will imply that the speaker is intentionally 'aiming' or 'facing' something towards (A). This is especially true when the objective of the speaker is to make something 'suitable' for (A).




    Please face the camera and smile.


    Please give some advice aimed at a student preparing for exams.


    Starting with Japan, I want to expand my brand towards foreign countries.


    The movement toward the unification of currency is accelerating.


    Aiming toward my late night part time job, I am going to take a nap in advance.

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      に向かって・に向けて – Grammar Discussion

      Most Recent Replies (5 in total)

      • Pushindawood


        to face
        to head to


        • Noun + にむかって
        • Noun + にむけて

        View on Bunpro

      • Kuromaku


        Can someone explain to me when you need to use transitive and intransitive forms (にむかって vs にむけて)? It looks obvious at first glance, but in actual sentences I just can’t figure out which one I should use.

      • benuidede


        yeah, I just came across this sentence :

        and I don’t get it. Looking at the grammar explanation I would have guessed に向かって without hesitation because it looks like 将来に向かって.

      • nekoyama


        According to A Dictionary of Advanced Japanese Grammar p.407, it has to be に向けて when indicating the target, direction, goal, or purpose of an action, which this sentence seems to fit.

      • jakedesu2010



        The answer is に向かって
        I put に対して

        Can someone explain why that is wrong? I had an almost identical sentence yesterday for に対して which was something like this…

        Seems to be exactly the same usage to me…

      • Yryrdz


        創作活動________情報を収集をしてください is one of the example sentences for this. Can I get an explanation for why 向け doesn’t work here but this does? This something I get wrong for multiple sentences so I figure it’s something on my end.

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