Grammar Info

N5 Lesson 6: 11/13

~た + (Noun)Verb modified noun, Relative clause


Verb[た](*) + Noun
Verb[ている](*) + Noun

(*) Only verbs in short (plain) form can modify nouns. Do not use polite-ます.


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About Verb[た・ている]+ Noun

In Japanese, if you want to describe something or someone that is performing an action, one of the ways you can do this is through a relative clause. A relative clause is when two phrases are joined into one sentence, rather than two individual sentences. The た (plain-past), or ている (continuous) form of verbs are usually used.

る-Verbs and う-Verbs follow their regular conjugation rules when making a relative clause. In the first example, we can see that 'Takashi-san is a man that lived in Tokyo', is one sentence, rather than 'Takashi-san is a man. He lived in Tokyo'. In English, words like 'that', and 'which' are used to create a relative clause. However, seeing as though these words do not exist in Japanese, the first phrase is simply attached to the noun.


The ます (polite) forms of verbs may not be used when making a relative clause.




    Washed clothes.


    A student who studied a lot.


    A foreigner living in Japan.


    A pen borrowed from a friend.


    A chair I made.

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Verb[た・ている]+ Noun – Grammar Discussion

Most Recent Replies (29 in total)

  • Jake


    Verb Modified Noun


    • Verb[ている] + Noun
    • Verb[] + Noun

    Can be any verb

    • not just する

    View on Bunpro

  • Aghork


    Probably a stupid question, but I am not sure if I really get it.
    When is the ~teiru form being used, as opposed to ~ta?
    I read it up, but I’m still not sure. Is it only when it’s right now at the moment?
    But there is the example of “A pen borrowed from a friend.”
    The pen is still borrowed right now, assumed that I have not given it back already, isn’t it? Or does the sentence assume that the pen has already been returned?

  • mrnoone


    Hey and welcome on community forums!

    This is not a stupid question, rather a good one!

    First, た、ている and ていた。

    As you know Verb[ている] means a progressive action(I am eating 食べている), in those verbs case Verb[た] will mean a past(or more precise completed verb), however with a group of words ている doesn’t mean a progressive action, but a resultant state:

    1. Movement words:
      instead of coming, coming back, going will mean being at a goal of the movement.(the state of being there)
      So ロンドンに来ている。 Means I am in London(I have come to London(and I am still there)) instead of I am coming to London.
      ロンドンに行っている。 Means I am in London(I have gone to London(and I am still there)) instead of I am going...

  • Aghork


    I see! That was an excellent explanation!
    You should link it in the “readings” section of the grammar point.
    I will make those examples my custom sentences, to memorize it.
    Thank you very much!

  • mrnoone


    Not a problem, just remember that generally verbs from 2) in た form(while technically it is being unclear) are assumed to be the resultant state when modifying nouns.

  • Aghork


    I actually realized, I have a follow-up question.
    Is 住む a movement word?
    Or would it count as a type 2 verb?
    so, would 住んだ be an acceptable answer?

  • mrnoone



    住む is not like momentary words(which is the name for the point 2 words from previous post,
    決まっている事 / 決まった事
    届いている手紙 / 届いた手紙
    終わっているテレビドラマ / 終わったテレビドラマ
    消えている文字 / 消えた文字
    死んでいる虫 / 死んだ虫
    知っている噂 / 知った噂
    医者になっている人 / 医者になった人
    着ている服 / 着た服
    燃えている家 / 燃えた家
    彼が(今)開けている窓 / 彼が開けた窓
    痩せている人/ 痩せた人 etc
    are examples - the words that describe change when in non past form(痩せる - to become thin/lose weight) and state in ている form - 痩せている be thin).

    住んだ will clearly mean that it has been completed. (and is no more)

    This lesson is more about modifying words with verbs in general.

  • Andulien


    Thanks, that explained it actually pretty well

    On future explanations it would be nice to get also furigana. I k...

  • mrnoone


    Great suggestion!

  • Alphonse


    This is listed in the Tobira path’s chapter two section, but is actually not the same grammar point as described in Tobira. The one in Tobira is specifically をしている and をした when used to refer to a part someone or something has.

    Examples from Tobira:

    1. ぞうは長い鼻をしている。
    2. このオペラ歌手は、本当にきれいな声をしていますね。
    3. フレンチブルドッグは短い足をした犬だ。それに、面白い顔をしている。
    4. ヘビのような形をした、泳ぐことができるロボットがあるそうだ。
  • Lilalas


    I am confusing this grammar point with another one, namely 「ている」. Or rather not the grammar point itself, but these two example sentences:

    The man who is eating sushi is my older brother.

    The woman who is watching the movie is Tanaka-san’s mother, right?

    I had some trouble with these sentences before, but by now I understand them.

    Now that I’m seeing this new grammar point, I wonder if this isn’t grammatically just the same thing (or an extension of it). Also note the following sentence from this grammar point:

    A foreigner living in Japan.

    I don’t see anything new in that. It’s just Te-form + いる modifying the succeeding noun. So let me suggest, shouldn’t the above sen...

  • desufikator


    Hello everyone,
    I am stuck a little bit, would someone please me explain what difference between:
    ナイフで刺されました男性 and ナイフで刺した男性 ? I mean, can I use
    Verb[ た] + Noun construction to build up sentences with passive verbs ? Thanks

  • Pushindawood


    @desufikator Welcome to the community!

    You most certainly can! However, when you conjugate these verbs they must be in the plain form; you cannot use the ます-form to modify a noun.

    “A man stabbed by a knife.” (The man was the one who was stabbed)

    “A man who stabbed with a knife.” (The man was the one doing the stabbing)

    I hope this helps! Cheers.

  • Iceni


    Thanks for this explanation! It really helped me to understand this.

    One thing I don’t quite get is how the congugation (if that’s the right word) works. Presumably, with -ru verbs, you just replace る with た, ている, or ていた (as with 食べている in the example). But then why is it 太っている rather than just 太ている? And how does it work with u-verbs?


  • ilyakamens


    Iceni, you probably know the answer to your question by now, but in case newcomers have the same question:

    IIUC, 太るis a godan (five-step conjugation) verb. For godan verbs, て form conjugation becomes って (e.g., 太って) when the verb ending is , つ, or .

    食べる, by comparison, is an ichidan (one-step conjugation) verb, where the stem is used followed by て (e.g., 食べて) as you’ve written.

    You can see that grammar point here.

  • olegb94


    I’m very confused about this one because I saw nouns being modified by verbs in forms other than Verb[ている] and Verb[].
    Here is an example from Tae Kim’s guide:
    赤いズボンを買う友達はボブだ。Friend who buy red pants is Bob.
    Here you see verb 買う in an infinitive form and it modified a noun.
    How can this be explained?

  • nekoyama


    The explanation is very simple but probably not very satisfying. Nouns can be modified by a lot of random Japanese, but this grammar point is not trying to explain relative clauses in general. It’s only showing a specific type of relative clause because we can’t learn everything in one go anyway.

    As for why it’s only focusing on these two, I can only guess, since the grammar point itself doesn’t explain a whole lot and the examples aren’t even full sentences. But my guess would be that it’s because these two forms can express a state rather than just actions in the past (-た) or actions in progress (-ている). The “friend who buy pants” sentence doesn’t fit that scheme.

    To elaborate, while -ている expressing an ongoing state becomes a pretty big topic at some point in most textbooks, the same cannot be said about -た expressing a resulting state. I guess there’s usually a way to fudge things so that the past interpretation works in main clauses, but if you think ...

  • olegb94


    Thank you very much for detailed response! You may be right about intentions behind this grammar point. However this is the only grammar point about Modified Nouns and Relative Clauses on this site. I can imagine it can do harm to people who see this grammar point and think that this is the only way to do relative clauses, I almost fell into this trap. If I didn’t read Tae Kim’s guide before going through Bunpro I would very well think about this grammar in a wrong way. I think mods should correct this grammar point to make it more clear what they intended it to be.

  • tedledbetter


    I am a bit confused here. Last week I was going over みんなの日本語 chapter 22. My teacher taught me this lesson and we learned it where any dictionary form verb clause can modify a noun. I also followed up on Tae Kim and it also seems to support verb clauses can be in plain dictionary form to modify a noun. Tae Kim DOES make a distinction that noun clauses need to be in [ta] form or past tense form to modify a noun.

    Am I not understanding something here or should this maybe be split into two grammar points? A noun modified clause in [ta] or past tense form and then a verb modified noun in dictionary form?

  • GingerbreadCookie


    I agree that the grammar point should be modified, whether through splitting it or something else. I believe many learners are confused by this as well.

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