Grammar Info

N2 Lesson 1: 16/23

(ほか)ならないNothing but, None other than, Simply


Noun + ほかならない(1)



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About にほかならない

(ほか)ならない is a grammar pattern used with nouns to indicate that something is 'definitely (A)', or 'nothing but (A)'. Other common translations are 'none other than (A)', or 'simply (A)'.

This expression is often used to emphasize statements, reasons, or causes.

Being a combination of the noun (ほか) 'other' and the negated form of the う-Verb なる 'to become'. This phrase literally just states that (A) will not become anything other than what it is, as the given definition is already the most accurate.


In formal situations, particularly formal writing, (ほか)ならぬ may also sometimes be seen.




    First and foremost is nothing but living your life.


    Getting (the result of) 3rd was simply due to his skill.


    In the end, 'laughing' is simply up to your likes and dislikes. (好き嫌い = noun)


    Him going on that show was simply for publicity.


    The common cause of the accidents is simply people going too fast.

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にほかならない – Grammar Discussion

Most Recent Replies (4 in total)

  • Pushindawood


    nothing but
    none other than


    • Noun + にほかならない / にほかならぬ

    [AはBにほかならない, A is nothing but B. Used to emphasize a statement: reason, cause, fact, metaphors, etc.]
    [にほかならぬ can be used in very formal writing]

    View on Bunpro

  • Bruinvis


    In the following sentence:


    “にほかならない” is used after the particle から, but in the structure section it reads:

    Noun + にほかならない (1)

    There’s no mention of this grammar point being able to connect to the から particle / a reason.
    I think it might be good to include this in the structure section.

  • Pablunpro



    In the explanation of this grammar point, it says that “に他ならない is a grammar pattern used with verbs to indicate that…” though the pattern is then shown to be used with nouns.

    Further to this, I see in the JGram link that other constructions are possible:

    PLAIN FORMS (Verb, i/na Adjectives, Noun) + にほかならない

    • But in case of Noun and na-Adjective だ is not added
    • There are also Noun/na-Adjective + である
    • when expressing reason から can also be added

    In particular, the last one (addition of から) can be seen in the example sentences provided in the grammar point, as already pointed out by Bruinvis.

    Finally, examples are given of the use of this pattern with verbs by nominalizing them with もの.

  • Zaichiki


    A question about an example sentence and the provided translation:
    Bunpro translation: Being able to get this far at this company is thanks to none other than meeting him. - I suppose it implies that “someone got this far”, not “the company got this far”.

    My understanding (rough translation): The fact that this company has grown this much is none other than because (they) met him."

    Am I correctly understanding that the subject of the Japanese sentence is “the company” that grew, not that “someone grew in the company”? Or am I mising something?

  • Pablunpro



    My understanding is the same as yours: it is the company the one that has grown (up to this point). Thus the use of . Furthermore, the second meaning listed in Jisho for 成長 is coherent with this understanding.

    If someone grew in the company, it might be ‘この会社ここまで成長したのは…’.


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