Grammar Info

N3 Lesson 1: 5/22

(うち)While, During


Verb[ている]+ うちに
[い]Adjective + うちに
[な]Adjective + + うちに
Noun + + うちに


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About うちに

When うち, (sometimes seen using the kanji (うち), or (うち)) is paired with the case marking particle , it expresses a period/space 'within' which something else will/should happen/exist. It quite often (but not always) carries the nuance of (A) being the 'best', or the 'optimal' time/space within which (B) could occur/exist. In English, うちに can simply be translated as 'while', or 'during'.

うちに may be paired with the dictionary or ている form of verbs, the plain form of い-Adjectives, nouns followed by の, or な-Adjectives that are followed by な.

Unlike (あいだ), うちに expresses something that can happen/exist anywhere 'within' the span of (A), and is therefore non-specific as to where (B) is located.

Fun Fact

The kanji (うち) refers literally to the inner walls/lining of something, and anything that is enclosed within that space. This can be thought of as where the 'non-specificity' of うち comes from, in regard to where within that space something is.




    I'll be in touch before long.


    Strike while the iron is hot.


    I was able to finish my homework while taking a class.


    The baby fell asleep while eating.


    While I am in Japan, I want to see Tokyo.

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      うちに – Grammar Discussion