Grammar Info

N4 Lesson 10: 10/18


And, Besides, Moreover, In addition


それ + (Additional Information) Phrase


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About それに

The conjunction それに is regularly considered to be one word in Japanese, but is more correctly just a combination of the pronoun それ, and the case marking particle.
The thing that それ is 'substituting' for is the entire clause/sentence that came before it, while highlights that extra information is about to be added. In this way, it translates to 'and to that', or 'and on that', where 'that' is the previous information. Often, it is translated simply as 'moreover', 'in addition', or 'and'.
  • それに(かれ)家事(かじ)しないでしょう
    In addition, he doesn't do house chores either, right?
  • リサ会社(かいしゃ)残業(ざんぎょう)がないそれに給料(きゅうりょう)いい
    Lisa's company doesn't have overtime work. What's more, her salary is good too.
Because それに is 'adding' information with , the (B) information itself must be something that would logically happen 'in addition to (A)', or 'as a result of (A)'. Therefore, それに will highlight something that has either all positive, or all negative connotations. Never both.
  • 昨日(きのう)(みち)5千円(せんえん)(ひろ)それに(くるま)抽選(ちゅうせん)()たっ
    Yesterday, I picked up 5 thousand yen on the street, and in addition to that I won a car in the lottery. (Natural Japanese, as both events are positive)
  • 最近(さいきん)(あめ)いっぱい()それに(かぜ)(つよ)(そと)()なくて(さび)
    Recently, it has been raining a lot, and in addition to that the wind has been strong. I'm sad that I can't go outside. (Natural Japanese, as both events are negative)
  • 今朝(けさ)マッサージ()それにスピード違反(いはん)切符(きっぷ)()られ
    I went to get a massage this morning, and moreover I also got a speeding ticket. (Unnatural Japanese, as one event is positive, while the other is negative)




    Exercise is fun. In addition, it's good for you.


    I work late into the night. In addition, I am up early.


    This Japanese-style hotel's food is delicious. Moreover, the surrounding scenery is beautiful.


    It is easy to live in Japan. Moreover medical expenses are reasonable.


    The scenery from atop the mountain is beautiful. In addition the air is clear.

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それに – Grammar Discussion

Most Recent Replies (5 in total)

  • Superpnut


    Can someone help me out with this. I just can’t figure out when it is それに or それで. Is there just a trick to this? To me they seem so similar that I might as well just flip a coin, but then still get it wrong 9 out of 10 times. Really could use a hand on this.
    And my confusion mainly stems from the fact that they just seem to be different flavours of “and”

  • okayfrog


    wish there was somewhere in the Details that explained the difference between それに and それで.

  • eclipse77x


    I don’t know how correct this is… but ChatGPT said:

    Certainly! Here is a detailed explanation of the differences between それに (sore ni), それと (sore to), それから (sore kara), and それで (sore de):

    それに (sore ni)

    Meaning: “In addition,” “furthermore,” “moreover.”

    Usage: Used to add extra information or to emphasize an additional point.


    • このレストランは料理が美味しい。それに、サービスもいいです。
      • Translation: This restaurant has delicious food. In addition, the service is also good.

    それと (sore to)

    Meaning: “And,” “and also.”

    Usage: Used to connect two separate pieces of information or items, often in a listing context.


    • 私はりんごそれとバナナを買いました。

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