Grammar Info

N4 Lesson 6: 7/16

~てしまうTo do something by accident, To finish completely・totally, Unfortunately


Verb[て]+ しまう
Verb[] + ちゃう(1)

(1) じゃう(*)

(*) Used when Verb[て]ends with で


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About てしまう・ちゃう

By combining the conjunction particle , with the verb しまう (sometimes written as (しま)), you are able to express that something was done 'by accident', 'completely', or 'unfortunately'. These meanings may seem quite different, but we will discuss their similarities in a moment. Let's look at a few examples of てしまう first.

As we can see, verbs that usually take instead of will be no different when using てしまう.

Sometimes, てしまう or でしまう will be shortened to a more casual form, which are often used in speech. These forms are as follows:

てしまう will become ちゃう

でしまう will become じゃう

Fun Fact

While (しま) is most frequently written in hiragana, 仕舞(しま) may also be seen. There is a slight nuance difference between these two kanji structures, but the primary meaning of しまう will always be that 'something has come to the point where ending/ending up in a specific state cannot be avoided'. This 'no turning back point' may be temporary (likely to be written as 仕舞(しま)う), or it may be permanent (likely to be written as (しま)).

Due to this 'cannot be avoided' nuance, しまう often comes across as 'totally', as in 'ah… I totally left the chicken in the oven for too long'. In these cases, it is simply expressing the speaker's exasperation that something is 'too late' to change. However, despite regularly being used negatively, てしまう can also be used positively. In these cases it still has the nuance of 'no turning back'.





    I unfortunately forgot my umbrella. (I totally forgot my umbrella)


    My friend finished off my cake. (eaten completely)(totally)


    (Someone) accidentally broke a plate. (unfortunately・totally)


    If you don't leave now, you will unfortunately be late. (totally)


    Sorry! I completely used all the eggs. (Sorry! I totally used all the eggs)

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