Grammar Info

N3 Lesson 8: 11/23


But, Even while, Even though, Despite, Although

Unlike ながら 、ながら(も) is preceded only by verbs that express state


Verb[ます+ ながら()
[い]Adjective + ながら()
[な]Adjective + ながら()
Noun + ながら()


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About ながらも

ながらも is a combination of the conjunction particle ながら, and the adverbial particle も. Coming from the kanji (なが)ら, with the meaning of 'while', ながら almost always keeps this nuance. Because of this, ながらも can be translated as 'even while (A), (B)', or 'although (A), also (B)'.
ながらも usually expresses surprise at the coexistence of (A) and (B), and may be used after い-Adjectives, な-Adjectives, nouns, or the conjunctive form of verbs.
  • 才能(さいのう)()ながらも(かれ)色々(いろいろ)努力(どりょく)した。
    Although he is talented, he worked hard in many aspects.
  • 彼女(かのじょ)(かな)しみながらも笑顔(えがお)友達(ともだち)(はな)しました。
    Even while she was upset, she talked with her friends with a smile on her face.
  • (かれ)はカレーが(きら)ながらも我慢(がまん)して完食(かんしょく)しました。
    Although he does not like curry, he gritted his teeth and ate the whole thing.
  • 私達(わたしたち)貧乏(びんぼう)ながらも(なか)いい
    Although we are broke, we have a good relationship.
ながらも is used to highlight a thing that comes after the existing state of (A) 'そのままで(あと)(つづ)(こと)'. Due to this, ながらも may only be used with verbs that highlight states of existence (like feelings), rather than ongoing actions.
  • こんなことしちゃだめ(おも)ながらもやってしまった。 (Action)
    Even while I thought to myself, 'I shouldn't do something like this,' I did it.
  • 緊張(きんちょう)ながらも(はじ)めて舞台(ぶたい)(うた)えた。 (Feeling)
    Although I was nervous, I was able to sing at my first concert.




    Despite having a lot of money, I heard that he isn't happy. (even while)


    Despite knowing that I have to study grammar, I still unfortunately goof off. (even while)


    Despite being nervous, I gave a presentation in front of 300 people. (even while)


    Despite thinking 'I have to do it', I just end up idling around. (even while)


    Although I can't do much, let me help you. (even while)

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ながらも – Grammar Discussion

Most Recent Replies (4 in total)

  • Daru


    You can click on ながら to get a quick look at this info!

  • stephane


    I am confused by this lesson because of the も written between parenthesis while there is no mention or example of the case without も in the lesson.

    If I am not mistaken using ながら in this lesson’s definition (even while, but etc… not the “while” grammar point) is very common without も, I suspect it is actually much more common but I am not sure. take " 残念ながら、" for example which is extremely common, but I have heared full sentences quite a few times as well.

    So I am questioning what the importance of も is,
    Is the も version more common in written language ? more polite ?
    Is this form as common in spoken language ?
    Any input on that ?

  • CroAniki


    Bumping this

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