Verb + のに
[い]Adjective + のに
[な]Adjective + な + のに
Noun + な + のに
About のに
Although のに is often thought of as a simple combination of the particles の and に, it is actually its own particle, with the meaning of 'despite', or 'in order to'. In this lesson, we will focus primarily on the 'despite' nuance.
Due to のに being a conjunction particle, it can be linked to almost any word type, to show that 'despite (A), (B)'. As with many conjunction particles, な will be required after a noun/な-Adjective, but before のに.
It is also possible to see だのに, instead of なのに, but this is something that is only seen in certain dialects, and would be considered incorrect by the vast majority of native speakers.
Fun Fact
Regardless of having two quite different translations ('despite', and 'in order to'), のに always functions in the same way.
In the situation of '(A) のに, (B)', (B) is/will be the result.
The only difference between how the nuance will be read, is whether the (B) statement is a logical conclusion, or an illogical one. When logical, the meaning is usually 'in order to', when 'illogical', the meaning is usually 'despite'.
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Even though I said it was impossible, you're still going to do it? (despite)
Despite being busy, he is playing video games. (even though)
Despite the weather forecast being bad, it was sunny. (even though)
Despite being pretty, that woman doesn't have a boyfriend. (even though)
Even though we are running low on milk, you didn't buy any when you went to the store? (despite)
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How to use のに
The particle のに
Using 「のに」 to mean “despite”
Tae Kim
[DBJG] A Dictionary of Basic Japanese Grammar
Page 331
Genki II 2nd Edition
Page 238
Tae Kim's Japanese Grammar Guide
Page 109
みんなの日本語 II
Page 126 [CH 45]
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