Grammar Info

N3 Lesson 7: 16/21

(わり)Although, Despite, Rather...for, Unexpectedly, Comparatively, Considering


Verb + わりに
[い]Adjective + わりに
[な]Adjective + + わりに
Noun + + わりに


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About 割に

As an adverb, (わり) is usually used in a similar way to 'although', 'despite', or 'comparatively' in English.

(わり) may be used at the beginning of a sentence, or after any word/phrase that it is highlighting as being 'comparative'. When following な-Adjectives or nouns, な or の will be required.

(わり) itself is a noun meaning 'proportionate', and is primarily used as a suffix. (わり) may be thought of as a direct extension of this use, as 'proportionately' is its closest literal meaning.

Fun Fact

While (わり) is often thought to make comparisons between things, it actually only ever compares something to itself (or things within the same category). The 'proportion' that is then highlighted is something that is not common within the category of (A).


Both (わり)と and (わり) are quite common expressions. However, (わり)と is used far more often in casual speech to show that something is 'unexpectedly (A)'. It will also frequently be used as a stand-alone expression, appearing directly before the word (usually an adjective) that is of a 'considerable' amount.




    Today is rather warm for winter.


    The expensive food looks unexpectedly unappetizing.


    Although I studied a lot, I got a bad score on the test.


    Although that person is smart, he is bad at communication.


    I think he is quite active for how tired he is.

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割に – Grammar Discussion

Most Recent Replies (3 in total)

  • mrnoone


    English translation:

    Verb + わりに
    いAdj + わりに
    なAdj + な + わりに
    Noun + の + わりに

    [AわりにB・B varies in quality, price, degree etc. from what person would normally expect from A ]

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  • tylus


    I’m not sure if I misunderstood something, but based on the video of Nihongo no Mori we should only use わりに for positive outcomes, while くせに is used for negative outcomes.

    There are a lot of example sentences that do not follow this rule, so I wanted to ask if it really applies here.

  • Pushindawood


    @tylus Hey! Both わりに and くせに can be used with unexpected, negative outcomes. However, わりに can also be used when the outcome is positive, whileくせに cannot. Cheers!

  • conan


    While going through DIJG, they mention 割合 as another way of saying 割と, which I saw mentioned on this grammar point, but not 割合. I wasn’t sure if it was worth also bringing up 割合 as well.

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