Grammar Info

N4 Lesson 9: 7/16

(よう)にするTo try to, To make sure to, To endeavor to

Specifies end goals


Verb[る](1) + ように + する

(1) Verb[ない]


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About ようにする

(A) ようにする is an expression in Japanese which combines the auxiliary verb ようだ, with する (indicating that you will 'try' to do something). As ようだ is being linked to the verb する, it will take on its adverbial form, ように. This structure emphasizes that the (A) action (always a verb) is something that the speaker is going out of their way to do, and implies effort.

Naturally, this structure may also be used with a negative verb, to imply that (A) being done is something that is actively being avoided. This translates as 'to make sure not to do (A)'.

Fun Fact

Because ようだ comes from the kanji (よう) 'manner', it carries the nuance that the 'way' that someone is doing (A) is specifically in a way that has success as the goal. Literally it translates quite closely to 'to do (A) in the manner of getting it done', and therefore just strengthens the (A) action, by using 'to do' twice.





    Try not to let my wife find out about it!


    Let's try to be on time for the reservation.


    Please try not to drop that cup.


    Please try not to make much noise.


    I will try to wrap it beautifully.

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ようにする – Grammar Discussion

Most Recent Replies (7 in total)

  • Pushindawood


    to try to
    to make sure that


    • Verb + よう・に・する
    • Verb[ ない ] + よう・に・する

    targets end goals

    [to act in a way that brings about a particular outcome]

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  • ulurujamman


    For the example:


    What are the differences between ように、ようにして and ようにしてなさい? Can なさい ever be used in this construction?

  • Ambo100


    There is a link to Wasabi: Other Usage of the Volitional Form: …(よ)うとする under readings, but should this not just be under ~ようとする instead?

  • Superpnut



    Doctor: Mr. B, because you have high blood pressure you should make sure to avoid sweets.

    A phrase that expresses attempting to do something in the manner of (A).

    Why is this sentence ようにした and not ようにして
    Why doesn’t た make it sound like “you should have (in the past) avoided sweets”
    Could someone please clear this up for me

  • mrthuvi


    ~た方がいい is a separate grammar point which means you should do something.

  • othesius



    I’m probably forgetting something really basic, but what’s with といけない at the end rather than しなくては?

  • IcyIceBear


  • othesius


    Ah yeah. Thanks so much!

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