Grammar Info

N3 Lesson 1: 4/22

(あいだ)While, During, Between, Period


Verb + (あいだ)
[い]Adjective + (あいだ)
[な]Adjective + + (あいだ)
Noun + + (あいだ)


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About の間に

(あいだ) is an expression that can be used with almost any type of word, to highlight that (A) is the period/space within which something else will or did happen/exist. It may also be a period/space 'until' something else will or did happen/exist. It is a combination of the noun (あいだ), and the case marking particle .

When used with verbs or い-Adjectives, (あいだ) will simply follow the verb/adjective. However, の will be required after nouns, while な will be required after な-Adjectives.

When (あいだ) is being used to express the period/space 'until' something happens/exists, it will be paired with まで.

With (あいだ), the (B) action/location is usually something that can or did happen/exist at a 'specific' point during (A), and does/did not take up the whole time-frame/space of (A). In this way, it can translate more literally as 'in the span of (A)'. This comes from the kanji (あいだ)'s common meaning as 'an interval'.




    I always grind my teeth while I'm asleep.


    Please call me while I am free.


    During the time that I had before going to work I wanted to clean, but it was not possible.


    Please call me while I am at home.


    He had changed during the 5 years I was in Tokyo.

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      の間に – Grammar Discussion

      Most Recent Replies (24 in total)

      • mrnoone


        English translation:
        while, during, between

        Verb + 間に
        いAdj + 間に
        Noun・の + 間に
        なAdj・な + 間に

        View on Bunpro

      • ctlnctln


        Regarding this example sentence: 私が暇なあいだに 、電話をかけてください。

        Why is it wrong to say “私が暇なうちに、電話をかけてください” ?

      • mrnoone


        It is not wrong and you can say it!

        Though AうちB has a nuance, that it is best to do B during A (before situation changes, and likely will make B hard/impossible etc).

        Please, call me when I am free, because I will be busy or something and won’t be able to answer.

        vs simple
        Please, call me when I am free.

        間 simply means period.

      • ctlnctln


        thank you!

      • kozmegegyezes


        Similar question!
        私が家にいる間に 、電話をかけてください。

        May I ask why is
        私が家にいるうちに 、電話をかけてください。

        Based on your explanation, it sounds like うちに would actually be better here.
        Thank you!

      • mrnoone


        Hey and welcome on the community forums

        Very well observed! You are right, “私が家にいるうちに 、電話をかけてください。” is correct, and it has more emphasis than 間に.

        (Simple “Please call me while you are at home” vs "Please call me while you are at home (because you won’t be able to do it when you are not there, or some other circumstances.)

        You need to use 間 simply to advance the SRS. If you write うち the answer is considered correct (yellow) but the system asks for another solution.

      • kozmegegyezes


        Thank you very much for your answer! I asked this specifically because when I typed “うちに” my answer was rejected, it was not yellow, so I got a little confused.

      • mrnoone


        It turned out that only うち(by itself) has been added as the alternative answer! Now, うちに is also included, so it should work properly from now on!

        Thank you very much for the feedback!

      • kozmegegyezes


        Thank you very much!

      • kozmegegyezes


        I have another similar question!
        For the sentence ちょっと見ない間に随分大人になってね。
        why is ちょっと見ないうちに随分大人になってね。incorrect? (I just typed うちに and it rejected it.) I thought that their meaning is similar. I have asked about this on hinative and they told me うちに is correct. ( )
        So maybe there is a difference I’m unaware of? Thank you!!!

      • mrnoone



        It is correct, it turns out that only うち (without に) was added as the alternative answer

        I have fixed it so that うちに is now accepted!

        Thank you very much for the feedback, and sorry for the inconvenience!

      • kozmegegyezes


        Ah, I see! Thank you so much for the quick fix! I really appreciate it!

      • max99x


        I had some trouble understanding why 間 was usable in some examples (e.g. 仕事に行くまでの 間に…), but this detail made it a lot easier to understand! Perhaps this literal meaning could be added to the grammar point’s meaning section? I think it would help other people understand it better too.

      • Jet


        In the following example sentence の is used before that grammar point, which would follow the noun rule, but the sentence actually has a particle before the grammar (まで). Is there a general rule that means that this should be treated like a noun?


      • flowsnake


        I came to ask exactly the same question!

      • Michakun


        Hi, is there any difference between 3時から4時の間に and 3時から4時までに? I’m always confusing between both and always pick the wrong one (the second one).

      • mrnoone


        Very long time no see!

        X時からY時まで(not までに!) and X時からY時の間 are similar in that that both express range of time.

        But the first one simply means “from X to Y” while X時からY時の間 、B。has additional nuance, that something (B) continues over the period of time described by 間. Or in case of X時からY時の間にB. that in some moment during the range described by 間に something (B) happened.

        This event is from 3 to 4.

        I have been watching TV (constantly) between 3 and 4.
        Expressions like ている・ていた and ずっと are often used with 間

        Telephone rang (sometime) between 3 and for.

        I hope it helps,

      • Ambo100


        A 間に B
        B takes place, while A

        The event B must be of short duration and properly contained within the bounds of activity
        A. If B extends throughout the time when A Occurs, we use 間 instead of 間に.

        I found this distinction in the Genki textbook helpful so I thought it would be worth sharing.

      • zyoeru


        Can the following sentences be clarified:


        I understand that 間 can refer to space both temporal and spatial, but it seems to me that the focus of this point is largely temporal whereas these sentences are focusing on a spatial use (between mountains and between tall people).

        Am I missing something?

      • Daru


        This grammar point always refers to space!

        The first sentence is “in the valley in the space between the mountains”, whilst the second one is “between two tall people”, like you’ve correctly pointed out.

        Could you give a bit more clarification on what is it that you feel like you’re missing? To me it seems like you have a good grasp.

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