Grammar Info

N5 Lesson 5: 10/12

~ている ①Is, Am, Are (~ing)

ている is often shortened to てる. This applies to all tenses, including てる, てて, てた, and even てます


Verb[て]+ いる


  • Part of Speech

    Conjunctive Particle

  • Word Type


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About ている①

ている is a construction used in Japanese to convey that someone or something is existing in a constant state of 'doing' the verb that comes before . In English, depending on the verb, this can be translated as 'is (A)', 'am (A), or 'are (A)~ing'. The expression is made by adding いる to the form of either る-Verbs, or う-Verbs.

Due to いる being one of the verbs for 'existing' in Japanese, the ている form means something closer to 'continuing to exist in a specific state', rather than (A)~ing in English. This is why verbs like (), and (), appear as the ている form in Japanese, when they would appear as the past form in English.




    What are you doing?


    I am eating sushi.


    I am not studying now.


    My older brother is not sleeping now.


    He is studying Japanese at the library, right?

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ている① – Grammar Discussion

Most Recent Replies (16 in total)

  • mietolim


    I figured after checking the correct answer that’s it’s probably related to that grammar point, still, it could be useful to have a mention of it in this grammar point to make it clear how it works. I assume there isn’t a separate lesson about the negative form of 〜ている later on.

  • tonbo


    Was in the same boat as @mietolim here. In part because I’m following the Genki path and casual negation is actually covered after the basics of て. I agree, that a pointer would be nice as I also expected the page to be more “batteries included” in light of the other high quality info that is already there.

  • ctmf


    Hey can I resurrect this thread to 2nd onekun’s confusion?

    I think I get the ~ている as ongoing action concept, and even the ~てて conjuction of more than one verb phrase, but I would never think to use it like this

    これを捨ててください (from one of the -ra pluralizer prompts)

    How is this different from これを捨てください?

    Edit: duh never mind the first て is part of the verb itself. Question not deleted so I can feel the shame.

    (Still, I feel like I do see that ~てて sometimes when it’s not conjunctive, just never at a convenient time to catch it and ask. Still watching for a good example)

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