Grammar Info

N2 Lesson 1: 3/23

ざるを()ないCan't help doing, Have no choice but

する→ざるを得ない, くる→ざるを得ない


Verb[ない+ ざる得ない


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About ざるを得ない

ざる is the 連体形(れんたいけい) (attributive form) of the old-fashioned auxiliary verb ざり. ざり carries the same meaning as the modern ない, in negating what comes before it.

When joined with a combination of the る-Verb () 'to gain', or 'to acquire', and the auxiliary verb ない, it becomes a double-negative structure meaning that one 'cannot help doing (A)', or 'there is no choice but to (A)'. More literally, it means that one 'can't not (A)'.

For the most part, this structure will conjugate with other verbs in exactly the same way as ない.


As ざり is an old-fashioned structure, it conjugates a little bit differently with する than the regular ない.

Notice here that instead of しない changing to しざる, せざる will be used instead.




    I couldn't help but be surprised at the surprise present.


    I couldn't help but be moved at the chance meeting.


    Mr. Tanaka was so busy he had no choice but to turn down an invitation to play golf.


    The old building is at risk of collapsing, so I have no choice but to tear it down.


    The microscope I have been using until now broke, so I have no choice but to buy a new one.

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ざるを得ない – Grammar Discussion

Most Recent Replies (8 in total)

  • Pushindawood


    can’t help doing
    have no choice but


    • Verb[ない] + ざるを得ない

    する→せ ざるを得ない

    [often used in formal settings]

    View on Bunpro

  • Hadros232232


    What is the difference in nuance between ずにはいられない and ざるを得ない?

  • mrnoone



    ざるを得ない nuance is that there is no choice, but to do something due to some circumstances like a social norm or something being urgent (often speaker doesn’t want to do it). It has formal nuance, but it is also used in spoken language. have no choice to do something, be compelled to, cannot help doing

    “I don’t want to go to work, but have no choice but to go there.”

    ずにはいられない nuance is that the speaker wants to suppress some desire, but despite it, he does it. Cannot help doing something, cannot resist doing something. It has formal nuance, ないではいられない is a casual variant (Also ず version is shorter so people use it in casual speech too).

    I knew it was bad thing, but I couldn’t resist telling Mary Takeshi’s s...

  • Batbrie


    What’s the difference between ざるを得ない and しかない?

  • mrnoone


    Hey and long time no see!

    ざるを得ない is more formal and has more complicated conjugation.
    Also cannot be used with nouns, unlike しかない (in this case meaning “only”/“nothing but”):

    問題を解決する方法は一つしかない 。
    There is only one way to solve the issue.

    I hope it helps,

  • Razael


    I have a feeling, it can be used with nouns in combination with やむを得ない?
    That brings to to the question, this point of grammar should be maybe included somewhere.
    I have found it in a 新幹線マスター N2 book as



    The grammar is basically the same(except the referred person) and やむを得ない as in the first example can come by itself too.
    Can we add something here or even make an own section? (If you think of it as an own grammar point ofc)

    Best Regards!

  • Greenlama


    My answer to 思掛かけない出会であいに、感動_______________
    is せざるをえない。 But it is marked as incorrect. Why? The example of the same sentence seems to add せ to 感動 but the exercise does not. I have logged out and logged back in (and even entered my answer w/out せ)but Bunpro will not mark my answer as correct.
    Thank you very much in advance for any suggestions from anyone.

  • FredKore


    You’re using the right verb but the wrong tense.

  • Greenlama


    Oh, duh!! Can’t believe I overlooked that. Thanks so much for replying.

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